
705 17 0


@ work


i had a moment at work today. moment is... dramatic. i had a thought, something that could change. i have a studio for my models. i do design their clothes. but, i wanted to do something slightly different. i wanted to change this studio into something else. 

right now, it looks like a crack warehouse. it would take some rebranding. and i would obviously still use my models. but i wanted to open my own boutique. something that's not just for people to wear once done the runway. but wear continuously. i ponder the thought. 

i look around and start to mentally image what this place could turn into. i have goods amounts of income coming in, but i want to strive for something very different. very entrepreneur like.

it would obviously be something i would like to discuss with dane. i want to include him on some of the choices i make. or more like a second hand opinion. i decided to call him. 

"what's up?" his handsome voice booms through my phone. everytime i talk to him, i still get butterflies. it's insane. 

"needed your opinion on something. you have a few minutes?" it's kind of weird how this man fell in to my lap. i can be honest, the way i got him isn't the best way. and if i could meet him in a different scenario i would have.

"um, just a few, make it quick, please?" 

"well, i was thinking if i should turn this studio into a boutique."

"whatever you want. it's all yours. i love you, go to go, i'll see you at home." before i got the chance to say goodbye, the phone call went dead. you know what will also be dead, dane. currently plotting for even hanging up the phone on me like that. 

he's hiding something from me. i catch onto things very quickly--he better hope i can let this go. the thought of the boutique didn't even concern me, it was the phone call. 

"ms. cameron, would you still like your coffee?" my assistant, mira, caught my attention. i was too frustrated on the phone call.

"mira, let everyone know they can go home early today." she nods and walks off in excitement. oh, dane, i'm not letting you off the hook, buddy.




i took a drive up to dane's office. yes, this is over a phone call. it's just peculiar behavior. he never just hangs up on me like that. i find parking in the parking garage and quickly hop out of my car. i have only been here once and it was for that interview i had couple months back. i find the elevator and push the floor i think he's on. 

i was getting slightly anxious. nervous to what i could possibly find. did cheating cross my mind. just once? maybe twice, now that i've mentioned it. i don't think he would do that to me, at least... i mean, when we got together we was cheating.

god, i'm an over-thinker. i hate it here. the elevator doors prop open. i slowly walk out and try to find somebody that would help me find his office. 

a lady wearing green, brown hair, red lipstick, black heels. she looks nice enough. she walks past me and i step in front of her.

"excuse me, i'm sorry, is dane evans here?"

"who's asking?" did i not just ask?

"his..." i paused. we didn't have labels, we are just together. we are two people who live together, have sex, eat breakfast and lunch, sleep in the same room.  that's what we were. it made my heart a little sad even thinking of the thought. again, overthinking. that man loves me, i know it.

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