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  kyra's bedroom


i was a wreck. how could he ask me to dinner? is it a chance for me to apologize. i've hurt him, he's been through way too much.

this dinner could mean anything. the official break-up dinner. oh, or the we can get back together but...

my thoughts were rambling about everything possible scenario. of course i said yes to the dinner. i owed him that much.

i was contemplating on what to wear. i switch between two dresses. a pink, long sleeve dress, maxi satin, with the detail of a tie in the front. high slit that went from the top part of my thigh down to the floor. i enjoyed that the dress made my boobs perky. and my beautiful legs stood out. but i had the other option of a lime green.

it was a one shoulder piece, another maxi dress but with this was sequin, there was a cut out in the area of my chest and the side of my body on the right side. it made my curves stand out.

was i looking for boobs tonight or curves?

"green." the voice scared me. i really need to start closing the door when i get ready for events and things.

i turned and it was dane. his choice really made me want to go the opposite route. but i knew deep down, the green was indeed better.

"why?" i questioned. i wanted his opinion.

"you like to stand out, the dress is sparkly? the other dress is cute, but it's not you. does that make sense?" he comes to the front of the door. he leans his head on the door frame with his arms crossed.

"what type of fabric is the dress, might i add?" oh, my words from earlier must've caught onto him.

"well, it's polyester. but i think you're talking about the sparkly part of the dress, which is sequin. what made you wonder?"

"at the meeting, you made me realize why we don't work with women. i don't feel like i'm misogynistic, but the work environment i'm in is, which i guess, would probably make me misogynistic." he chuckled slightly.

"tobais, after you left, made a point. we were just looking to invest in you, to make us look better. we didn't think about you in the ending process. and i want to know more about it. i don't know, maybe..." he trails off.

"yes. i don't know why men are afraid to ask for help." i rolled my eyes jokingly.

"yeah, thanks. um, enjoy your date."

"it's not a date, probably an official breakup." i said slightly smiling. it did hurt knowing that it was most likely the outcome.

"even better." he whispered under his breath. i pretended i didn't hear him.

"excuse me?" my lips wanted to curl into smirk, knowing i heard him.

"nothing." a shadow came up from
behind him, ruining the moment.

"sorry, did i intrude this conversation? no? okay." gave me no room to talk. fucking bitch.

"yahira. i was just giving her advice on her date." he said in a rush and walked off. yahira narrowed her eyes at me.

"listen, sunny bunny," ew? sunny bunny. out of all the nicknames this whore can give me. it's sunny bunny?

"you're not getting dane back. ever. and i'm going to make sure of it." she smirks, thinking she has this power over me.

"yahira. i shouldn't be the one you're worried about. check your boyfriend, who's still in love with me. but don't worry, i'll gladly soon, take him off your hands. it won't be long till he gets tired of your dry ass pussy and attitude towards me. little do you know, i top you in every way. if i were to make a move on him now, it's done and over. have your time with him, but i'm coming back." her face is in defeat. as it should be.

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