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it was a awkward moment there between us.

"how's it been?" really? the first thing he says to me after not talking for weeks?

how's it been? how has it been?

"oh, it's been fine. how are you?" i fiddled with my fingers. he notices.

"i've been okay." he shrugged his shoulders. he suddenly took my hand,

"sunny, we need to talk, alone?" i felt this coming.

"what's to talk about? we were just an affair." those words might've hurt. i felt the disrespect slip off my tongue. but it wasn't as disrespectful when he cut things off between us.

"we're getting a divorce." i looked at him unphased. i didn't want to give him any type of reaction. i messed with my earring. i didn't say anything. i just looked at him.

"meet me at the house, please?" he begged. god, i can't resist myself from him. if i go, things are going to happen. especially if it's just the two of us and not standing in the middle of the store.

"fine." i gave in. i'm going. i have to resist myself until i know more about what's going on with tobais.


i looked at the house keys in my hand. i should've gave these back. i look up at the beautiful house built for me. what have i done to deserve this?

i take the key and unlock the door to the beautiful house, that was mine?

i walked in to rose petals on the floor, making a trail to the dining room.

this was not going to end in the way i think. i walk in the direction of the rose petals. i am also very underdressed for this. i wore my black sweats, black crop top, and my white crocs.

i walking in the dining room to see dane. dressed up. there was food on the table; smelled really good by the way. but i was underdressed. but i also didn't know this going to be a date?

"dane..." he looked shocked by my quiet arrival.

"here, sit." he pulls the chair from under the table for me to sit.

"we were supposed to talk, alone?"

"are we not alone?" he questioned, but i don't think he understood what i actually meant.

"i mean, one on one. not one on one with food? this is a date." i could tell i made him uncomfortable with my words. i really hadn't thought about thinking before i spoke. i just spoke.

"sit." he said sternly. i've pissed him off. i didn't sit, mainly to get on his nerves.

"sunny, sit." he whispered with anger in my ear. this kind of turned me on. i did sit.

he sits in the chair across from mine. i look and he made my favorite meal. he definitely wants to get back together.

his face looks pissed off. i cross my legs because it turns me on when he's mad at me.

"i feel a little underdressed. because if you asked-" he cut me off.

"if i asked, you would've said no. because again, you owe this loyaltly to cara." and there it was. the real reason we broke off things.

not necessarily about cara. but that i had this guilty conscience telling me that i shouldn't be entertaining dane. i still chose to but chose ger over dane.

he chose me over her, why couldn't i do the same? simple, my connection with cara was more than friendship. it was a sister relationship. she was like another sister. which is why i couldn't just choose him. i betrayed my sister.

"and i will continue to. either you deal with it or leave me be." i gave him an ultimatum. keep me or leave me.

"we talked about the day i would leave her. a lot, actually. now that it's happening, why are you backing out?"

"you left, remember?" i'm keeping every response simple. i simply think he's here to waste my time.

"sunny, stop it with these bullshit answers and ultimatums." i rolled my eyes.

"i owe cara everything. she's another sister in my life. we've been friends forever. you came in, and helped me cut the one thing that was going great in my life. yes, you were a also a great factor for what we had, but it won't reach were cara and i were at."

it was silent for a long time. maybe he was processing.

"you haven't touched the food i made you."

"this conversation has made me not as hungry." i shrugged.

"dane, you can't have this control over me. i do care for you."

"i want to be with you."

"dane... please don't do this to me right now."

"i wanted to talk to you alone because i'm leaving for a couple years. out the country."

"where is this going?" i raised my eyebrow.

"come with me."

"dane." he got out of his seat. got on his knees and took my hand.

"this is me, begging you, to come with me. even with our previous distance, i am in love with you. i understand cara has more importance than me, but i can't lose someone like you,"

"come with me." i wad contemplating life. do i really want to get up and leave everything snd just leave the country?

the thought was unsettling. i would be leaving my sister? my best friend-, well...

this was my home. i couldn't. i can't. now that i'm friendless, do i really need to stay? my brain says to go. but my heart?

it wants me to stay.

"dane, i-" i get cut off my by phone.

sorry, that it has been awhile. i'm okay, my mom was just diagnosed with stage 2 cancer.

"dane, i can't."

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- renee 💗

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