Chapter 2

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With seven days left to the end of the world, Fangcheng must make some preparations in advance.

    He called his friend Xiao Qingshu. As soon as he got through there, he heard from the phone: "Busy man, why do you call me when you have time?"

    "I heard that you were punished by the hospital." Fang Cheng said.

    Xiao Qing wrote, "Hey, don’t mention it. Our hospital’s rules and regulations are also ill. We know that the other party is making trouble with doctors, and they have tolerated every possible means. Those people are pleased, they are noisy and noisy. I'm there, so I'll do it when it's time to do it." Although he has good medical skills, he has a bad temper.

    Obviously, the group of doctors came prepared, and the video of him beating was sent up. The public like to create conflicts between doctors and patients, not to mention that he really did it. .Several million big V1s have been forwarded, and even Fang Cheng, who doesn't use the Internet often, has seen it.

    The impact was so bad that the hospital directly suspended him from work and waited for punishment.

    Xiao Qingshu was uncomfortable thinking about that, and voicing endlessly: "This kind of people are used to them. If medical treatment becomes a habit, who would dare to study medicine? I see this time the hospital will give them a little bit for the sake of peace and quiet. Compensation. Isn't this just about distribution according to trouble." He said more and more angry.

    Fang Cheng said: "Don't do it, come and help me." The last life, Xiao Qingshu, died in the hospital where zombies gathered.

    Xiao Qingshu is now getting angry: "I didn't want to do it for a long time." It was just a little shameful for what he had learned for many years.

    Fang Cheng said: "I have a resort and leisure villa here, and it happens to be missing a second master. Come and help me."

.Xiao Qingshu was a little surprised: "Isn't your holiday resort yellow anymore?" He visited it once when it opened, but it was too close to the mountains. It was said that it was a natural oxygen bar with winding paths, but it was too difficult to find. Anyone in the city would drive forty kilometers to go there for vacation, plus Shangcheng was all about dating Xu Yi at the time, and the leisure club was left unattended, and it was abandoned after a long time. Xiao Qingshu was quite regretful at that time, he liked it very much.

    Fang Cheng said: "I'm going to do it again." He was a little eager. There are only seven days left before the end of the world. What he can do alone is really limited.

    Xiao Qingshu and Fang Cheng are high school classmates, and they have been in contact for so many years. They are good friends for more than ten years, and his heart is warm. Xiao Qingshu is now being violently violently online, and the hospital will most likely expel him in order to behave like you. At this time, Fang Cheng extended a helping hand, and he was very moved, saying: "Okay, I will immediately go through the resignation procedures.".Man husband, why don't you eat a bowl of rice?

    Fang Cheng felt relieved: "As soon as possible, do you know the person who provided the equipment to the hospital? Send me the contact information. When can you come over?"

    Xiao Qing wrote: "There is still some work to be handled and handed over. I have to wait a few days." Especially the patients in his hands must be arranged to resign. This is also responsible for the patients and has made an appointment with Fang Cheng.

    Fangcheng got busy, rented a half truck and went to a large supermarket. No matter when there are a lot of people in large supermarkets, Fangcheng first goes to the soy sauce condiment area and fills up a large shopping cart. Soy sauce vinegar, salt and MSG, hot pot bottoms, bean paste and small pickles, etc. began to take. He bought things completely like a posture of no money. After he left, the entire shelf was vacant.

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