Chapter 57

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Rich and handsome like Xu Yi, he usually has someone to help take care of everything. In addition to his deserted temper, he has never held a soft child in his life. His movements are very stiff, although he is holding his own son, it is like holding a moving torpedo.

    Zai Zai was fierce at him, so he was directly charged with electricity and fire.

    Xu Yi was also a superpower of these two elements, but he didn't hurt him, he was just shocked.

    Fang Cheng said, "I'll hold it." After finishing speaking, he took the child over.

    Zai Zai just returned the milk. After returning to Fangcheng's arms, he pursed his small mouth and groaned to kiss him.

    Fang Cheng kissed Zai Zai's cheek, Zai Zai was not enough. You have to be close to Fangcheng to give up.

    Xu Yi watched the two of them interact enviously. .This is the child he has been raising for more than half a year. Since knowing that Zai Zai is his biological son, he said, "What did he just say?"

    The little baby is groaning and can't speak yet. But looking at the vivid appearance of their baby, I think this guy was scolding him just now.

    Fang Cheng said, "Don't let you pull him!" The corners of his mouth rose slightly when he spoke. The little cub has never been hugged by others, not to mention that Xu Yi is still unprofessional in holding a child. The cub he is holding is uncomfortable. If the child has no sense of security, he will release his abilities indiscriminately. Also, Xu Yi is a master of abilities. If ordinary people are tricked by a child like this, they will not die soon.

    Xu Yi was disliked for the first time, and the other party was still his son, which was really new.

    Xiao Zai Zai looked at Xu Yi and looked over again. As soon as their father and son met, they had an oolong, and the little guy didn't like his father. .Then he frowned and watched Xu Yi's hand stretched out. He was about to bite, but he didn't know that only a small white spot grew out. I haven't even pointed my baby teeth.

    Fang Cheng gently touched his son's cheek, and the little thing came back to his senses again. Said: "You can go back after reading it!" Then he put the child on the bed.

    Fangcheng didn't stay with his children 24 hours a day. Zai Zai is also used to it. I am also very comfortable playing with myself.

    Xu Yi glanced at the child, then at Fang Cheng, and said, "Is there no chance for us to be together?"

    Fang Cheng understands Xu Yi's unwillingness. He has been a proud son of heaven since he was a child, and he was born in a wealthy consortium. Probably it was Fang Cheng's determination that hurt his self-esteem.

    Fang Cheng said: "I don't know." He used to crazily want Xu Yi's love, and Xu Yi was like a light illuminating his world. .But once he couldn't get it, now he has built a base, he has become the light of others, and there are countless things waiting for him to do. Can't worry about having a relationship with Xu Yi.

    And when he lived in Xu's house, he waited so hard for him to come back every day, it was scary to think about it. Fang Cheng seems to release a bird in a cage, and enjoying the vastness of the sky is no longer like returning to a lonely cage.

    Xu Yi looked at Fang Cheng, thinking that Fang Cheng would stay in place forever and wait for him. But from this meeting, I felt that his forehead had changed from every aspect.

    It's a pity that he wakes up too late. He wanted to keep Fang Cheng in his world, but he didn't know what to say.

    Fangcheng issued an eviction order.

    Xu Yidao: "I live in the villa in the southern district. If you need help, come here to find me!" Fangcheng knows the location of the villa.

.When Xu Yi finished speaking, he was a little stunned. There are three underground floors in the villas in the south area for supplies. There are three more floors on the ground. The construction is no different from ordinary villas. All the rich are afraid of death, so they have served as refuges for major disasters when they are capable. This is Xu's trump card for staying in City C to settle down. But he had taken Fangcheng with him at that time. It turned out that the other city was special at that time. It's a pity that I don't know myself.

    Xu Yi then gave Fangcheng a pager. Said: "This can contact me!" This is an enhanced signal version. And it is a one-line connection. "If you lack anything, you can notify me! My child..."

    Fang Cheng nervously said: "I am alone!" He was afraid that Xu Yi would snatch him.

    Xu Yi said: "Yeah."

    Fang Cheng looked at Xu Yi, and Xu Yi said, "Send it to me!"

.In an instant, Fang Cheng felt a little inexplicably sad, and sent Xu Yi out. Witnessed Xu Yi driving away. Fangcheng stood there for a while before going back.

    When Fangcheng returned to the villa, Aunt Liu had already prepared a table full of food, and said cordially, "Where is your friend."

    "Let's go." Fang Cheng said.

    Aunt Liu said with some regrets: "Why are you leaving? A nice young man."

    Fang Cheng said: "Then let's eat." The family ate a full meal and kept some for those who hadn't come back. Everyone is also used to going home to eat. Returning to the villa on the mountain can give them a short relaxation.

    But today was a little strange, no one came back until two o'clock in the afternoon.

    Fang Cheng felt a little uneasy. Said: "I'll go down and take a look." No one came back for so long, could something happen? .They have no cell phone signal and can only communicate with each other on a single line. You can only rely on him to go down

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