Chapter 48

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They grabbed the other side's park. They thought it would irritate them, but they didn't know that the other side hadn't reacted at all.

    Fang Cheng guessed that they hadn't discovered the fountain of life and didn't know the importance of it. Also, online forums have created a lot of trouble for them. These ordinary people are not as easy to play around as before. They have enslaved and oppressed everyone for so long. There must be a saying! So there is no time to manage this side.

    Although it was unexpected, Fang Cheng and the others were relieved. After they took over the park, they were strictly sealed off. Xiao Qingshu directly built a water truck, pumping several tons and several tons, these years grain and water are resources. Since the water plant was restored, it has not been so difficult for everyone to draft water. Naturally, no one goes to drink the water in the lake, and not many people notice their pumping behavior.

    Xiao Qingshu organized the hospital simply. .In a disused building, a simple camp bed was built, which looked like a field hospital.

    They found some doctors in the community hospitals nearby, and they could use them directly with a complete establishment. Save trouble.

    The kindergarten in Fangcheng has also been held! Notify everyone that you can send your children, and a teacher will accompany the children to play.

    Both Professor Chen's grandson and Old Man Liu's grandson enrolled in eight classes. Food is provided by food, basically four dishes and one fruit can be maintained. Although the only fruits now are big white pears and green apples. There are no high-end fruits, but they are better than adults. The fruits cultivated by Old Man Liu didn't have many results. Except for a few small bosses, they were sent to the kindergarten.

    Even the kindergarten teachers looked panicked. But being selected here is like children. .It's not going to grab something to eat with the children.

    The kindergarten teacher put the children to sleep at noon. He whispered to his colleagues: "When can we eat fruit?" Then he said, "I heard that the supermarket is about to open. How many spars have you saved?"

    Everyone has a job now. Generally, the higher the risk of work, the more you earn. Now the children can also be sent to the kindergarten, and those adults have no worries. After earning the spar, they can save up quickly.

    A colleague from the kindergarten said: "There are only two people left in my family, and I just came out to work again, and I have no money!" Even if there is, I will not disclose it to others.

    The young and lively kindergarten teacher had no choice but to say: "Hey! If the supermarket reopens this time, I want to buy a set of clothes!" Clothes are very useful in the end times. Tear a piece of cloth and make a variety of things. After wearing it for a while, you don’t change your clothes, and the clothes will go bad after a long time. .There are not many clothes left. Anyhow, people under civilized education can't be savages without clothes.

    I don't know if there are clothes in the supermarket. She doesn't have many spars, and she wants to spend a bit on the blade, even if she has them, she is not willing to buy them.

    Although you can't afford it, you can still fantasize.

    The young and lively kindergarten teacher asked his partner: "If you can buy anything, what would you like to buy?"

    The partner said: "I want to eat fat!" After saying this, the partner was shocked. Before the end of the world, she was a person who talked about low-fat and low-carbon water all day long. There is a weight for meals, which can not exceed how many grams, and how many kcal can be set by the formula. Don't touch things like fat at all.

    But after this year, she really missed the era when she was able to eat and drink wantonly. She wants to eat fried chicken, drink cola, want to eat greasy fat, want to eat sugar. .The things that once disgusted her became the white moonlight in her heart.

    The lively kindergarten teachers were a bit greedy when he said that. They provided food to fill their stomachs, but they were hungry because of the lack of oil and water. She also wants to eat meat.

    Before I could speak, I saw the dean of the kindergarten bringing a plate with a few slices of pears on the plate, and said, "divide the rest for the children. I will cut it. Everyone has a taste. One piece!" Such a rare thing is certainly not exclusive.

    The two teachers didn't expect to get pears. They were immediately happy and said, "Thank you, principal!" They took two slices. The shape of the cut crescent is enough for a bite. But they were reluctant to bite, sweet and juicy, this kind of taste instantly moisturized their mouths. Really delicious.

    The principal assigned them to the class, and then assigned them to the class.

.Leaving them both in place, they are still reminiscing the taste of the pear.

    It's just that the pieces of pears are too small, no matter how reluctant to eat them, there are times when they are finished. This sweetness is like a seal in my heart. Said: "If there are pears when the supermarket opens, I will definitely buy one!" The fruits that I had dismissed before are not enough now.

    "I will also buy one and give my brother a taste."

    Both of them are looking forward to the day the supermarket opens.

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