Chapter 66

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Because someone reminded, everyone became very nervous. Soon they saw Xu Liang who was driving.

Fang Cheng took the initiative to pass by and said: "How's it going!"

Xu Liang used to be the King of Soldiers, and he never lost when he encountered these zombies in the last days. After a long while I found my voice: "We killed the eighth-level zombie!"

As soon as his words fell, everyone cheered. The biggest hidden danger has been removed, and I am very happy just thinking about it.

However, Xu Liang's eyes were a little dazed, and everyone only regarded him as exhausted after two days and nights of fierce battle.

Fang Chengdao: "Where is Xu Yi?"

Xu Liang's eyes flashed with pain, and said, "Life or death is uncertain!" They took so many people out, only Xu Liang came back. Bleeding from the ears. The whole face is covered with dust. Whether it is mentally or physically, he has reached the limit.

.But Xu Liang said: "I have brought back all the mutilated limbs of the eighth-level zombies, which can be used for your dissection."

After speaking, the whole person fell into a coma.

Everyone hurriedly formed a group, everyone surrounded Xu Liang, and some people wanted to see what kind of monster the eighth-level zombie was, and it would cost so many experts to pay a painful price.

No one noticed Fang Cheng. The child in his arms seemed to be connected with him. As soon as he put the child in the room, the little guy cried and crawled towards him.

Fang Cheng tried to get rid of it several times, but the child didn't agree. Wuzhe had to take the child with him, found a car with good performance, and drove out.

Xu Liang started the infusion, and it was almost the best surgeon and neurologist in the city that awakened him. Telling the story of their bloody battle with the eighth-level zombies is too miserable.

This zombie can tear a person into two with bare hands. .The smell of blood flowing all over the ground, full of mountains and plains. Who would have thought that zombies were so terrifying to this extent. The four people brought by Xu Yi almost killed the zombies with several fatal attacks. The most powerful thing is that Xu Yi has compressed his dual element ability to the extreme. Overdrafting all of his mental power, he gave the zombie a heavy blow. The zombie seemed to know that his death was reached, but he completely ignored it and scratched Xu Yi with the fastest speed.

The corpse poison in the nails of a zombie is several times stronger than the poison of a viper. What's more, he is an eighth-level zombie. In the end, the zombies were severely injured by Xu Yi, their limbs shattered, huge energies converged, and the shaking caused the rocks to roll down, causing a landslide. Only he took the lead in snatching the corpse of the eighth-level zombie and ran out. The rest of the people are dead, and Xu Yi's whereabouts are unknown.

Xiao Qingshu looked back for Fang Cheng and found that Fang Cheng was not in the crowd. Then immediately asked the people around.

.People around also said they didn't see it.

Xiao Qingshu's expression changed, and he said, "That's it! The first combat team, the second combat team immediately assemble and follow me."

Then he drove all the way to the place where they were fighting, and when he was at the foot of the mountain, he saw Fang Cheng throw his car aside.

It's not a simple matter to look for someone on such a big mountain, not to mention that rolling rocks fall off from time to time.

Xiao Qingshu and the others tried to rush in several times, but they were all besieged by mountains and rocks. The high-level ability players and the eighth-level zombies are too terrifying, half of the mountain is destroyed by them, and the mountain is in danger of landslides. There is really no way, Xiao Qingshu had to ask the two teams to say: "Just wait under the mountain. After the mountain is stable, then enter the mountain for search and rescue. In any case, we must find Fangcheng."

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