Chapter 60

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Fang Cheng was particularly relieved holding the child, raised his head and saw the surveillance. After thinking about it, the monitor was taken down. He originally wanted to monitor the child so that he could find out any problems in time, but now there is another person.

    The little baby snorted twice, and then brought his attention back. Fang Cheng gently tapped the child's cheek with his finger and asked, "What's the matter?"

    Seeing that the child is getting older and bigger, the little guy's expression is getting richer and richer now, and it is quite interesting to be able to easily judge what he is talking from his performance.

    The baby groaned a few times and then smiled to Fang Cheng: "The person who hugged you is also a dad."

    The baby's eyes were full of curiosity. He didn't understand why his father had two.

    Fangcheng kissed the baby, and at this moment Xu Yi's voice came from the communication machine: "What are you doing?"

.This was the first time that the other party took the initiative to contact Fang City.

    "Stay!" Fang Cheng answered him simply.

    "Can you come to me? I have some food, seeds, weapons, agricultural tools, cleaning and disinfection products that you are interested in. The strategic reserves of wealthy families are far greater than those of private individuals. This is the first time that Xu Yi has been with Fangcheng. Explain the details.

    Fang Cheng was a little surprised, but refused. Free is usually the most expensive, and now this kind of thing is originally a scarce resource: "What will you leave here."

    Xu Yi paused for a while and said, "I want to see you as the leader." When he said this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he had never seen such a confident Fang Cheng. It surprised him a bit, but such a Fangcheng was full of charm.

    Fangcheng was not talking.

    The baby groaned a few times.

.Xu Yi's voice came from the other side of the device: "What is the kid talking about?"

    The baby doesn't like Xu Yi too much, which means he is very impatient.

    Fang Cheng gave back to Xu Yi truthfully, Xu Yi was a little surprised and a little helpless. It's really Nie Li's feedback.

    Fang Cheng went to take a shower and changed his clothes. He has been very tired recently and has been directing the battle. Now he is holding the child and feels the smell of milk coming from the child. He finally fell asleep and waited to wake up. It was already the next morning when I came.

    He probably slept too soundly, and the baby was sleeping soundly too. He woke up and the baby was still asleep. Fang Cheng went out to find Xiao Qingshu was there.

    It is said that now is the busiest time, he actually came back.

.Xiao Qingshu happened to have something to report to Fangcheng. The original competitors now have to rely on them, and they have brought their own sincerity, including the talents and skills they currently have, and some scarce things.

    This is surprising. People who have obtained rights are reluctant to hand them over to others.

    Xiao Qingshu said that we became famous in World War I, not only because they used a tenth of their troops to quickly defeat the opponent, but also resumed the previous production as soon as possible. The live broadcast through the regional network is very popular.

    It is the general trend to defect to them, so the people in charge of these areas have no choice but to guess whether they will continue to fight next. At that time, it will cause some unnecessary casualties, so it is better to surrender early in exchange for some benefits.

.Sure enough, people who can stand out in the last days have some advantages. Fang Cheng said, "Then what are you going to do?" Xiao Qingshu is the person in charge of the outside world, and his opinions are also very important.

    Xiao Qing wrote: "What else can we do? Keep people for use!" The situation they are facing is insufficient resources. If everyone comes over, they can lead everyone to restore their original standard of living as soon as possible.

    Although they have added more food, they also have more people, as well as the golden finger of the source of life. There are some difficulties, but these difficulties can be overcome.

    Fang Cheng saw that now that Xiao Qingshu had thought about it, he also agreed. One more thing Xiao Qingshu came over this time was that he wanted his parents to move out with him.

    Fang Cheng said: "Okay, by the way, ask Aunt Liu, my mother, and other people, do you want to leave together...People are still social animals, and living with everyone is better than living in the mountains.

    "What about you?" Xiao Qingshu asked Fang Cheng.

    Fang Cheng said, "I still like to live on the mountain!" This will give him some safety.

    Xiao Qing wrote: "Okay. If you have anything to do, please greet my brothers, and we will help."

    Fang Cheng chuckled slightly: "Thank you."

    Soon, the unified big event of these power groups was broadcast live on the Internet, and it caused a sensation in City C. But this is the best choice for everyone.

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