Chapter 63

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These eight are all masters, and they can basically rest assured.

    Xu Yi is a leader everywhere, he has a certain temperament in him, although he came the latest. But showing up takes the lead. Especially when I was fighting against him, I felt that he was strong. I can imagine that if I were an enemy, I would definitely not see the sun tomorrow.

    Xiao Qingshu and Liu Man were former friends of Fang Cheng. They knew Xu Yi, but they didn't know that Xu Yi was so powerful. Now it is an eye-opener.

    Xu Yi also brought four super gods of war. These four people were the main force in the fight against the rebel back then. One is worth a thousand. One by one is simply a killing of human nature, and he feels too safe to be with himself.

    Others also have something to do, try to transfer all foreign-related work internally. Increase the protective net, after all, they have to face a ghostly enemy. .And through the Internet and various methods, everyone is notified not to go out, and volunteers will deliver food and the like.

    Suddenly the entire city of C quickly entered the state of wartime. However, they have experienced the end of the world much better than before.

    No one will resist disobeying management. Someone cares about them already is the greatest happiness.

    Some leading cadres in charge mainly worry about hoarding food as quickly as possible, the more the better. Because this battle does not know when it will be reached. Now that there are so many mouths, potatoes are used as the staple food, and then some other small vegetables are added, which is much better than the previous state of lack of food.

    Fortunately, there are still potatoes, a large-yielding crop. Now it is said that the potatoes in the warehouse have piled up into mountains.

    But it still can't save everyone's tension.

.It took about two days to deploy. In addition to these masters, there is also a daily squad in the city. Basically, the team's personnel are also dominated by supernatural powers.

    "Xu Yi haven't they come back yet?" Fang Cheng was a little worried.

    Others said: "Not yet."

    Secretly watching the weather outside, the baby in his arms is sleeping soundly. No matter how sinister and tense outside, the children can't feel it, they look obedient. Fang Cheng kissed his son's chubby face, the little guy hummed, and then raised a happy smile in his dream, like a little angel.

    Fang Cheng was worried about Xu Yi. He didn't eat any food in the evening. He waited until two or three o'clock in the middle of the night before sending back news that he found a group of people rushing back.

.Fangcheng immediately boiled hot water and prepared hot meals. Generally, people who want to be more resistant can eat better. The beef brisket tomato soup is prepared here, which is already a good treatment.

    Sure enough, about 10 minutes later, after their car stopped steadily, everyone rushed in and they had gone out for two consecutive days and nights. They could only eat compressed biscuits outside, and they had hot water and food when they came back. Everyone first went to take a shower and changed clothes, sat at the table and gobbled them up one by one, and finally had a warm meal.

    Fangcheng asked how things were going outside. Xu Yi said that several villages had been found, and the people had already died. The eighth-level zombies should not have entered the city now.

.Speaking of this kind of thing, everyone's complexion became a bit bad. He is simply a murderous madman. As long as he goes to that village, that village will definitely be slaughtered. They will continue to shorten the scope and guard against this eighth-level zombie. Enter the city.

    Xu Yidao: "We will go out again tomorrow!" The extreme weather is getting worse and worse. Many people can't hold them even if they are supernaturalists, so they will come back to eat some fresh meals every once in a while. Enough rest.

    Fang Cheng said, "I'll go with you!"

    Xu Yi disagrees: "Don't add chaos!"

    Soon they finished their meal and went back to rest. Xu Yi didn't have his own lounge. Fangcheng gave Xu Yi the lounge, and Xu Yi said, "Are you going to live here?"

    Fangcheng was a little embarrassed, but there was no other way at the moment, and there was no other room in the evening. .It is okay for him not to sleep, but the baby in his arms has been held uncomfortably. After thinking for a while, "Okay!" Then they entered the room with Xu Yi. The two of them didn't do anything. They put the child in the middle, and the two adults were resting beside them.

    Xu Yi was finally able to lie down in the same bed with his daughter-in-law and children. This feeling made him quite excited. He felt that this kind of life was a happy life.

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