Chapter 5

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Fang Cheng was a little tired and wanted to sleep. When the tiredness hit, he wanted to park the car on the side of the road, even if he was lying on the steering wheel and resting for a while, but now he couldn't sleep.

    He has been away from the Xu family for three days, and Xu Yi has not come, which is what he expected, and his heart is sore and unbearable.

    Over the years, I have been with Xu Yi, and relying on Xu Yi's reputation, I have many interesting friends who teach and teach. He left the phone before. When he called, the other party was still in the bar, and loud noises came from the phone.

    "Hey, Fang Cheng? What's the matter?" There was also a famous dude on the other end of the phone.

    Fang Chengdao: "What's the website address you mentioned last time?"

    The dude heard that with a smile: "What? What are you going to do badly.".After finishing talking, he laughed. Although Fang Cheng didn't understand what he said, he knew it immediately. He had learned about a black market network through his friends before, and there were so many magical powers there. He was once addicted, and his friends all around knew it.

    Fang Chengdao: "Secret."

    The daddy didn’t press him. For rich people like them, who doesn’t have any little secrets. Besides, there is Xu Yi behind Fang Cheng. He naturally wants to please him. He usually wants to get along with a decent person like Fang Cheng. It can't be done in one sentence: "Okay, you write it down." Then he began to say.

    Fang Cheng took it down, said a sincere thank you, and then closed the line.

    The dude also ignored him, and continued to hug his newly met online celebrity sister to play on the dance floor.

    Fangcheng uses a mobile phone to log in. There is a dark web for transactions in the black market. When I log in, the entire mobile phone becomes a black screen. .All the functions are no longer available. He bought a set of ID cards on it, and spent another 100,000 yuan on it to buy a small program for anonymously refreshing information.

    This kind of package is still a hot business on the black market. After all, the power of the Internet is great. If you want to engage a person, you only need to post some information online, which is enough for the party to be devastated.

    Fangcheng bought virtual accounts and didn't need to actually get ID cards from others. Soon after he waited for the upper party to send him the information, a user manual was released by the way, and the transaction was completed.

    Fangcheng exited the black market page, and the phone returned to its color once again.

    At this moment, Xiao Qingshu called and said, "I'm here, where are you?"

    Fangcheng said: "Immediately."

.Only after he got his words, he drove to the 4S shop, and it took forty minutes.

    Then I saw Xiao Qingshu sitting in the corner, wearing a mask and sunglasses, and did not take off the sunglasses in the room. This weird dress was quite eye-catching, and many people were peeking at Xiao Qingshu.

    When Xiao Qingshu saw Fang Cheng, he got up and greeted him.

    Fang Cheng said: "How do you dress up?"

    Xiao Qingshu sneakedly said: "No way, now on the cusp of the storm, what if you recognize me? My car has been scratched several times." The video of doctor beating is spread too widely, and he has to go out now. It is safe to be fully armed.

    Fang Cheng was talking to Xiao Qingshu. A sales representative came over and said, "What kind of car you two want to buy, I can introduce you to you."

.Xiao Qingshu drove a domestic car of more than 200,000 yuan. It has been driving for six or seven years. Recently, there have been some minor problems with the engine. He wants to upgrade and buy a new model of more than 300,000 yuan. Although Fang Cheng said he wanted to buy him a car, he didn't take it seriously. Just when I wanted to open my mouth and tell them the car I liked, I heard Fang Cheng said, "Is George Button in stock?"

    A frantic look flashed in the sales's eyes.

    Xiao Qingshu was also shocked. The car he said was an off-road vehicle from country M. It had good performance and was the star of the off-road vehicle. Every time the auto show, that car had the most people in front of the booth. The overall shape is like a small tank, and most men think that such a car is worthy of themselves.

    But there are still a small number of people who buy it. Forget it, the price this year is almost 4 million. Four million is enough to buy a Ferrari.

.Xiao Qingshu looked at Fang Cheng. He was Fang Cheng’s friend. Naturally, he knew how hard Fang Cheng was in this relationship.

    The sales representative hurriedly took them to the car to explain that this car is a star, with various configurations, Xiao Qingshu knows better than him.

    Fang Cheng said, "I want two, are they in stock?"

    The sales are only treated as ordinary guests, but unexpectedly it was a big one, saying: "Yes. We have them in our garage."

    Fangcheng said: "Get the ticket, where to swipe the card."

    Sales are stuttering. When he issued this order, this month’s sales king will be stable, and even the bonuses and commissions can add up to four or five million yuan, which is in line with the two-year salary: "Sir, don’t you want to apply for a loan? We have interest here. Low." As soon as he spoke, his voice became higher, and several sales colleagues around all looked over here.

.Fang Chengdao: "No, full payment." He frowned and said, "As soon as possible."

    "Good, good." Sales hurried to prepare, and Fang Cheng sat in their VIP sofa area. The sales staff brought not only tea but also snacks. There are even caring managers who come over to chat.

    Fang Cheng politely let them leave. He wanted to rest for a while, and the sales manager reluctantly went out and gave the salesman a little jealously. It's really time and fate. This kind of customer is their favorite. After doing your homework in advance, you can open an order here. The rare "great god of wealth" in the past few years has allowed a new sales to catch up. It is really three years without opening, and three years after opening.

    Xiao Qingshu looked around innocently: " really want to buy it, two sets of more than eight million yuan."

    Fang Cheng hummed, "Aren't you by your side when you swiped the card?"

.Xiao Qingshu took a deep breath. He is a noble doctor, but his salary is not high. He doesn’t have the confidence to spend so much money. At this moment, looking at Fang Cheng, he feels like a cat’s paw is scratching him. He is curious: "Qianer, you asked me if I want to call the hospital for decoration. What?"

    Fang Cheng looked at him and said, "I'm not going to open a farmhouse anymore. I plan to open a secret room and script to make some special features."

    Xiao Qingshu is also a fashionable young man, so naturally he knows this thing, and there is no doubt that there is him: "The secret room can be done at will. Where can I use real for decoration?"

    Fangcheng said indifferently: "Then you said that the money was spent, and it is too late to regret it. By the way, you know the address over there, so just go through the formalities for these two cars. There's still something to do." It takes at least an hour to go through various signature confirmations for buying a car. He has no time to spend here, and Fang Cheng got up!

."Hey, you are the buyer, what shall I do if you leave?" Xiao Qingshu said.

    Fang Cheng had already brushed all the money, and said: "I have left your name, I will go back." His canned food has arrived, put the cotton and down jackets away, and put them in the warehouse. Pile of drinking water.

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