Chapter 16

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When the end of the world is coming, the room is plunged into darkness, only the emergency light at home is still on.

    Darkness breeds fear, Fang Cheng said: "There is a generator in the house, first turn the lights back."

    Fangcheng had already prepared, and the generator was placed in the corner behind the sofa. Several people took out the generator together and connected it to the main line in the villa.

    The light was restored in the room with a bang, and everyone who could clearly see everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

    It was too uncomfortable to be in the dark.

    Aunt Liu went and turned on the tap water in the kitchen, but the water stopped.

    Fang Chengdao: "Bottled water at home."

    Xiang Yizhou said by the side: "Everyone will cherish water and food in the future."

    Xiao Qingshu also said: "Fortunately, A Cheng had to open the secret room and prepared some food and drink before, otherwise we would really be caught blind.".So many people eat a lot of food every day.

    Fang Chengdao: "There should be no problem within one month!"

    "I just don't know what's going on outside?" Liu Man glanced outside worriedly.

    Everyone was a little silent when he heard this.

    Fang Cheng said, "Everyone, go and rest first."

    As soon as the voice fell, I heard a loud noise coming from outside.

    Since the end of the world, the strings in everyone's hearts have been tense. Now I heard the voice outside, my heart trembled.

    Fang Cheng took out the computer immediately. He had a foresight, and the monitors he chose were all high-power rechargeable intranets. Even if the network is disconnected, the monitoring screen can be viewed through the computer previously set up, and Fangcheng can call up the monitoring of the door in the computer.

    Seeing that two zombies were attacking his door.

.They moved slowly, hitting the door all the time, making a bang bang bang.

    The expressions of Xiao Qingshu and Fang Quan changed: "It's them."

    Liu Man hurriedly asked what was going on.

    Fang Quan said by the side: "We met them halfway, and they asked for the way. We kindly showed him the way." At that time, the two hadn't become zombies, but most of them were already infected.

    Xiao Qingshu's face was a little ugly: "They must have been watching us early in the morning." He said this with a bit of embarrassment, they didn't even notice it!

    Seeing that these zombies can't get in, they are still climbing up the gate, they must not sit and wait for death.

    Fang Cheng said: "I'm going out." First-degree zombies are easy to deal with, their bodies are fragile, and they only need to insert a sword into their heart. .However, they have a high probability of self-detonation. It is now a period of high incidence of infection, so we must prevent infection.

    "I'll go with you." Xiang Yizhou has the best skills, and he has awakened his abilities and plans to go out for a while.

    Xiao Qing wrote: "Then let's be together." People are the trouble they accidentally caused, and he has to solve it himself.

    The three of them changed into tightly-protected clothes, but the helmets Xiao Qingshu bought indiscriminately were used instead.

    They bought two, and the remaining one was the motorcycle helmet of Fangcheng's family. The three of them randomly found a handy weapon and went out directly. Fang Cheng opened the door, and the two zombies smelled the breath of the living people, and they became more and more excited. Teeth and claws rushed towards them.

    This is where they face the threat head-on.

    Xiang Yizhou directly used his fire ability.

.The flame ability is a very effective weapon for the first-level zombies, and the roar of the zombies is a little frightened.

    Xiang Yizhou quickly restrained one zombie, and Xiao Qingshu wanted to deal with the other one with Fang Cheng. As soon as he turned around, the hairs all over his body would stand up. The dangling zombie was about to bite Fangcheng's neck with his mouth open. Everything happened in a moment, and it was too late for him to urgently pass.

    At this moment, Fang Cheng immediately inserted a knife into the heart of the zombie.

    The zombies fell straight down.

    Xiao Qingshu always felt that Fang Cheng needed protection, but he didn't expect Fang Cheng to be the most calm and calm, but he was a little flustered.

    A zombie here was easily knocked down. The other zombie was pushed back by Xiang Yizhou with the flame ability, which angered him.

    Fang Cheng took a look and immediately shouted: "Go away. He is going to blew himself up.".Their protection is fairly tight, but their approach is too responsive.

    Fang Cheng's reminder was very well in place, and the other two people immediately avoided.

    With a bang, the flesh and blood splashed out three meters, and only a little bit was stained on Xiao Qingshu's clothes.

    Fang Cheng retched. Xiang Yizhou didn't want to watch it either, only Xiao Qingshu was not afraid of such a scene as a doctor before. Said: "What is that?"

    Fang Cheng took a look. The zombie blew himself up just now, and the crystal nucleus in his skull rolled out. The size of a free soybean, like a gem, is quite conspicuous.

    "It's the crystal nucleus."

    Xiao Qing said: "Are there all zombies?" Although I don't know what's the use, it's a good thing.

    Fang Cheng nodded.

.Xiao Qingshu hit another zombie who was killed by Fang Cheng. He was a surgeon and was very skilled in this kind of thing. Soon the crystal nucleus from the other zombie was also taken out.

    Xiao Qing wrote: "When we came up, there were already a lot of broken limbs and debris on the road. They must be zombies that blew themselves up. Let's collect the crystal nucleus, and check by the way. Is there anyone hiding nearby like these two zombies? ."

    He said this sentence quickly aroused everyone's response, but the most important thing at the moment is to dispose of the two zombies first.

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