Chapter 59

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This battle lasted a total of five days and five nights. The whole city of C was alarmed. The local forces in City C all know that Fangcheng has established a regional network and forum, and the rapid development has won the hearts of the people. I don't know how to deal with them. Unexpectedly, someone thought about what they thought, anxious about what they were anxious, and took the initiative.

    They all dispatched investigations to pay attention to this battle.

    I learned that the opponent actually has more than 300 superpowers and a main battle force of more than 8,000 people. Several local groups took a breath of air. Although the population of City C was large, 40% of them died in the end of the world. The rest have their own ways to survive, and they may not all follow them. There are very few soldiers, and none of them have so many soldiers. No wonder they can come here to run wild.

    Fangcheng's safety zone should be over this time, almost everyone thinks so.

    Even they began to prepare for battle. .It's not for Fangcheng and the others to support, it's all for themselves.

    They can also see that this group of people are coming fiercely, and their strength should not be underestimated. It must continue to be occupied.

    But just now, the person who was sent out to investigate sent back a shocking news.

    "What, they annihilated the enemy's main superpower. And recovered more than 7,000 prisoners?"

    How is all this different from what they thought.

    The opponent has more than three hundred abilities. Not to mention dominating the world, but the sphere of influence to deal with the entire C City should be more than enough.

    The investigator said: "Yes, they were able to hold on on the first day, but they were a little reluctant on the second day. But I don’t know why, the fighting power was directly changed on the third day. After that, the opponent has been defeated. It may be that they have some secret weapon. Right. We were too far away at the time, and we don’t know the specific situation."
.After listening to the investigators' words, everyone present swallowed all of their saliva, good fellow, such a cow. "Call Manager Xu, find some hard currency such as soybean oil, white noodles, and give gifts to celebrate their victory this time." He was a little scared in his heart. If he faced a group of 8,000 people, he could win. Wouldn't it be a piece of cake to deal with them?

    Fang Cheng and Xiao Qingshu are still in the conference room. Face this victory. They also had some surprises. This time the casualties were small, but the victory was huge.

    Xu Liang said: "During our battle, there are some high-level abilities to help." This is the first time I have seen high-level abilities join the battle, it's as simple as cutting a watermelon. And he could see that these masters are all fighter machines that have actually seen blood. After waiting, he wanted to find these people, but found that they had disappeared long ago.

.Xu Liang and Captain Xiang Yizhou replayed this matter for a long time. I don't know why, it's really a fucking evil.

    Fang Cheng didn't speak, and said to them at the moment: "Forget it, let's not talk about it. What about those captured?"

    Xiao Qingshu looked at Fang Cheng's expression and knew that he had an idea. Busy asking his thoughts.

    Fang Cheng said, "Do you still remember Third Brother Liu?"

    "That prison superpower" added to Yizhou. His abilities are so powerful that he can conjure torture instruments out of thin air and prisons can lock people in and be punished. Coupled with his own violence, he has never known how to settle him.

    Fang Cheng said, "Send him a hundred more people. Let him manage these prisoners. These people have the blood of our soldiers on their hands, so they are punished to plant potatoes in the hands of Brother Liu."

    Xiang Yizhou couldn't help but smile: "This is good..Potatoes can be used as a staple food or as a vegetable, and they can also fully release the perversions of prisoners. "

    Xiao Qing wrote: "Then do it, and notify the soldiers to clean up the battlefield as soon as possible and restore life to before the war."

    As soon as they finished speaking, they heard that a few people had already come to visit them. They are very fast.

    Everyone does their own things. Fang Cheng is a little special. The baby at home is a group pet, and only recognizes Fang Cheng. After all the big things here are done, let him go back first.

    On the way back, Fang Cheng held the walkie-talkie, but couldn't help but asked, "Are you helping this time?"

    It was sent there and quickly replied: "Yes."

    Although Fang Cheng had guessed it, he felt a little strange in his heart when he heard him admit it himself, and then said, "Thank you."

    After speaking, he drove back to the mountain. .Then I heard the walkie-talkie light up and said: "I will be there later."

    Fang Cheng didn't return, and he didn't know how to return. When he arrived home, he heard the penetrating cry of his cub from a long distance. When Fang Cheng returned to the room, he watched Aunt Liu look at the baby in a daze. Strangely enough, the child stopped crying immediately when he saw him.

    Fang Cheng punished a little on the boy's cheek, and criticized: "Little bad guy, you know how to bully."

    Then, Aunt Liu didn't need to look after him. He held the heavy little boy in his arms with one hand. Only in this way can he calm his heart.

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