Chapter 17

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They endured their discomfort and dealt with these zombies. The zombie without a crystal nucleus combined with Xiang Yizhou's fire system ability, and it turned into ashes in less than five minutes.

    Fangcheng and the others drove around the mountain two laps, and saw that there was no one around.

    Then down the mountain.

    Sure enough, as Xiao Qingshu said, there were many zombies who blew up on a small road that had been driving for more than ten minutes. Xiao Qingshu is a surgeon, and he can easily find the crystal nucleus by digging in with a utensil in his hand.

    Fang Cheng said that zombies were piled up here, fearing that there would be a plague hidden in his body. As long as they catch up, they will be dealt with directly.

    Xiao Qingshu burned all of them with supernatural flames.

    A lot of roadblocks were cleared along the way.

    Fang Cheng used to respond to these things and these zombies, but after working for a while, he was a little numb.

    Xiao Qingshu is getting faster and faster.

.He had dealt with a lot of zombies, and Fang Cheng looked at Yizhou using the flame ability a bit reluctantly.

    Xiang Yizhou is still a first-level ability, his ability is tied to his spirit.

    Seeing that Xiang Yizhou's processing speed is getting slower and slower, Fang Cheng said, "Are you okay? We are now a team. If you feel unwell, say it in time."

    Xiang Yizhou said, "My head hurts a bit."

    Fang Cheng hurriedly let him rest for a while, it was not a joke that he was uncomfortable. Once a large amount of overdrawn energy exceeds the mental load, it will be brain-dead.

    Fang Cheng gently supported him, and the faint white light from Fang Cheng's healing power penetrated Xiang Yizhou's body.

    Xiang Yizhou had a headache just now, and he felt much relieved after being helped by Fang Cheng. Said: "Hey, I don't feel bad anymore." He even wanted to continue.

.Fang Cheng said, "You need to rest."

    Xiao Qingshu has never been so happy since the hospital stopped work for him. I have obtained more than 70 first-level crystal nuclei from just now, and I am not tired at all, and even a little addicted.

    These hideous zombies felt a lot cute in his eyes.

    After escaping the crystal nucleus in the zombie's brain in his hand, he reluctantly let go. There are still many zombies in front of him that explode.

    Fang Cheng looked around here, and initially came to a conclusion that this was a congested road section, and someone infected with the zombie virus, causing panic. After blew up, he infected some people, and in the end no one survived.

    In the past, there are still more than 30 cars here. All were stained with blood in different shades.

.Xiao Qingshu got all the zombie crystal nuclei out, and said: "It turns out that the crystal nucleus is not only red." It was like colorful candy gems.

    Xiang Yizhou said: "I've got a good rest." Then they started to deal with it again, and they also tried to burn it with fire. Not only is the smoke billowing, but it also doesn't burn clean. Only the flame ability can completely remove the zombies without crystal nuclei.

    They cleaned up again.

    Fang Cheng opened the trunk of the car and said in surprise: "There is food here." It is estimated that these people escaped. There are boxes of mineral water, some clothes, and even complete luggage, including bread sausages and the like. Supplies.

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