Chapter 43

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Since they have the Internet, everything is developing for the better. The reason why the previous two groups were so rampant is that they rely on the information gap to deal with the common people. With the forum, everyone can speak freely and exchange information, and they will no longer be "deaf" or "blind".

    The technicians are divided into two groups. One part repairs the base station and strives to cover a larger area of ​​the regional network signal, and the other technicians ensure the smoothness of the network.

    This piece is in charge of Xiao Qingshu.

    The year before the closure was suffocated for everyone. Although it is a junior network, everyone is deeply addicted.

    Even Fangcheng is no exception, because the Internet is so interesting. Watch them talk endlessly, some who record their lives, some who complain about them and worry about the future. There are also friends. There are even people who want to recruit members privately, and want to form a wild adventure team to kill zombies together.

.There are even writing novels on it. Almost every refresh has dozens of new posts.

    Fang Cheng returned to the villa area on the mountain when he was busy. But it's still a bit dangerous to be out all the time.

    But my baby didn't know why, so he kicked and groaned on the bed.

    The cute milk sound of the little guy seemed to be attracting Fang Cheng's attention. Fang Cheng had to hold the child with one hand in his arms. What the little guy liked the most was Fang Cheng's embrace. As long as he was in his arms, he was quiet. The baby sleeps most of the day. Fang Cheng saw that the baby was going to fall asleep. Gently patted him on the back.

    Soon the little guy fell asleep.

    Fang Cheng held the child in one hand, sat in front of the computer, and browsed new posts with the other hand.

.Their self-recommendation area also has more than 500 posts, many of which have professional skills.

    Fang Cheng looked carefully. I didn't know that Xu Yi's cell phone was lit up again at a distance of thousands of miles from him at this moment.

    Since Fangcheng’s signal appeared inexplicably last time, he has always held the phone in his hand, but Fangcheng has not appeared since then, but it suddenly lit up today.

    Fang Cheng looks very good, otherwise Xu Yi would not be with him.

    The signal this time is more stable than the previous one. Although the distance is far away, you can't hear the other person, but you can see the characters clearly.

    At this moment, Fang Cheng was holding a little baby in his arms. He was looking at the laptop and making notes from time to time.

    The city above the screen is still so handsome. .The child was lying in his arms, feeling inexplicably peaceful for years, but Xu Yi kept looking at Fang Cheng without blinking, for fear of missing every picture.

    Fang Cheng had been with him for so long, he didn't feel anything, but his abnormality before the end of the world, and the other party's passionate blind date with him, all seemed to be imprinted on his mind. Later Fang Cheng left. It seemed to take his heart away. If there were no natural disasters suddenly coming, they might be like ordinary couples, even if there were some misunderstandings, they would be able to explain clearly.

    But when the natural disaster came, he had no news of Fangcheng.

    Unexpectedly, God is not too bad for him, so he has his picture again. But what's the matter with the child? Xu Yi couldn't think that in addition to making ordinary people into supernatural beings, this last days could also make men pregnant.

.The video lasted for fifteen minutes. This time Xu Yi didn't want to be so busy last time, he recorded it from the beginning of the video. After fifteen minutes, the phone screen flashed twice and the video disappeared.

    For Xu Yi, this is maddening, no matter what, he will definitely be found.


    Seeing that the baby in his arms breathed well, Fang Cheng quietly put the baby on the bed. His cubs are cute when they sleep. He slept in a big bed by himself. Fang Cheng closed the computer and lay on the side of the bed, looking at his cubs.

    Probably all parents think their children are the cutest. Fang Cheng is no exception. Watching the fat puppies sleeping soundly beside him, he wants to steal his own doll. Suddenly felt the sound of walking outside. But he stopped at the door. Fang Cheng could perceive that the other party was Xiao Qingshu. It is estimated that something is going on, so I got up quietly. .Then he opened the door, and it was Xiao Qingshu.

    At this moment, Fang Cheng was wearing a casual suit. He was a clear and noble son. Fang Cheng was his iron buddy. He had always known that he looked good, but he had never thought about it carefully before.

    Fang Cheng closed the door with his backhand and invited him to the next door. The video of the baby's room was on the phone. If the child wakes up, he can find out for the first time.

    Do all this and write to Xiao Qing: "What's the matter?"

    Xiao Qing wrote: "This network is really good. We have now recruited thirty superpowers." These days, superpowers are fighting power. Various groups are fighting for it to get the favor of superpowers, and even take the initiative. "Besides, there are many big agricultural leaders who want to come and help." Fortunately, City C is a city with an agricultural college. .An old man Liu allows them to support the rations of so many people. If they come to the whole team, it's good to think about it

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