Chapter 51

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Fang Cheng frowned and said: "Go, let's go and see!" It is not good news that Level 5 zombies are infested. This thing resembles a cockroach, and it spreads in invisible places.

    Their base has just improved, but these zombies can't be destroyed.

    They went directly to the laboratory in the base. The corpse of a fifth-level zombie is stored here. The zombie's skin was green, and there was a slight rancid smell on his body.

    Xiao Qingshu explained: "It's rare to encounter a complete zombie. I want to dig him out to see if there are any weaknesses that can be breached."

    Fang Cheng nodded.

    Xiao Qing was originally a medical professional, and he was familiar with this kind of thing. Fang Cheng couldn't stand such a scene and went out. This zombie was hunted by Xu Liang's team. Fangcheng went to find them and wanted to restore the scene at that time. .Xu Liang's face was ugly: "I have never seen such a strong zombie!" He has received special training and is one of the best in the entire base.

    It will be more difficult for ordinary people to confront it.

    Fang Cheng was talking to Xiao Qingshu, and he heard the patrol team coming back, saying: "A group of zombies are coming here."

    Xu Liang immediately asked: "How many?"

    "Almost ten or so, they are level four zombies!" Although level four zombies are not as lethal as level five zombies. But it is also very cruel. Usually, a few people deal with one level 4 zombies. Now they actually organized a group to prove that their intelligence is gradually improving and they have a sense of cooperation and the like.

    Xu Liang hurried over, and Fang Cheng also passed. Sure enough, there were only zombies outside of their base. .The sharp-mouthed fangs, the face is abominable, and the movements are very agile, it looks completely different from those I have encountered before.

    Xu Liang didn't expect Fang Cheng to come out too, and said, "You go back first!" At first sight, Fang Cheng was so white that he could not beat zombies.

    Fang Cheng said: "I'll take care of you!" His skill and reaction are stronger than the others in the team.

    Before I could say a few more words, I immediately felt a gust of cloudy wind. Those zombies arrived in front of him instantly.

    Their speed has increased a lot. Zombies have evolved to level four, and their skin has become very tough, and ordinary swords and guns can only cause them very little damage.

    Xu Liang's flame ability directly attacked. Sure enough, I heard the screams of the zombies, and it was as if they were ashamed and angry after being attacked. Then he went mad and struck. Fangcheng quickly flashed to the side. .The speed of zombies is super fast, with zombie viruses on their nails, once they are scratched, they can mutate into zombies.

    The battle squad was extremely brave, and a few people got together and fought fiercely with the zombies.

    Fang Cheng's skill is agile, coupled with his healing ability only has an effect on humans. For zombies, his healing system can cause great trauma to the opponent.

    Under their active cooperation. The zombie gang was quickly resolved. Take out the crystal nuclei hidden in the brain of the zombie, these crystal nuclei are big and colorful. Contains a lot of energy, more powerful than the crystal nuclei they had collected before.

    Xu Liang said: "Clean the battlefield."

    Several people hurriedly set fire to this place to avoid pollution or other bad things.

    Xu Liang looked at Fang Cheng, but he didn't expect his ability to be quite good. .But before the praise, I remembered more important things, and said: "These zombies are afraid that they are making a comeback."

    Fang Chengdao: "Otherwise, let's go to the other two groups to find the original work. I hope everyone will abandon the previous suspicions, and work together to solve the zombies first, and we will talk about other things later!"

    Xu Mingliang nodded, and said: "It is indeed a way!" Now that work and production have just resumed, we can no longer expose everyone to more danger.

    Fang Cheng studied it, drafted a document and asked Xiang Yizhou to deliver it in person. After they went back, they sent a warning to everyone on the Internet, and everyone tried their best to go to places with a lot of people to avoid being attacked by zombies alone. In addition, let those who know martial arts teach you a few self-defense tricks, and post them on the Internet for everyone to learn and reference.

    Xiao Qingshu came back from the planing laboratory and said: "Next time there are zombies above level 5, they will be transported to me!".He studied it to see if he could clean up these zombies from a biological point of view.

    Fang Cheng hummed. Because of the presence of zombies again, everyone's mood was seriously affected, and they were not even in the mood to eat, just waiting for Xiang Yizhou to return.

    It was not until the temperature fell at night that Xiang Yizhou drove back from the outside. He had a bad face and went straight into the high-level meeting room. In addition to Fangcheng Xu Liang and the others, there are also a few newly promoted managers. As soon as Xiang Yizhou came back, someone gave him a cup of hot tea to warm him up, and said slowly.

    Xiang Yizhou was a little angry: "Those who don't want to cooperate at all, say that they can take care of themselves!"

    Now that they are developing too fast, they have aroused the vigilance of other groups and simply refuse to accept their conditions.

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