Chapter 7

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Xiao Xu is a night owl. He is surfing the Internet at two o'clock in the morning. He is still asleep, and his soul is about to fall asleep. In fact, it is sleepy, but it is the strong will to support him to brush for a while.

    Suddenly seeing that there are 99 unbrowsed chat messages in the chat group he often goes to, he suddenly became curious.

    There were only ten people in their small group, and the night owl counted him as only three. There was obviously no news at one o'clock in the morning. What's wrong? He clicked in and pulled the message to the top.

    He posted a screenshot, opened it and said that the end of the world is coming, so that everyone can be safe and collect food.

    "Fuck, really?" Xiao Xu also joined their discussion.

    Send a small saying: "Are there still doomsdays these days? I haven't heard the story of the wolf coming."

.The other is their brother on the Internet. Although people have never seen him, they always play a team with them. Although they are not in the same city, they have known each other for many years. Said: "Maybe it's true." Frequent weird celestial phenomena are always disturbing recently.

    Fa Xiao heard that she was excited and said: "Then hurry up and destroy it."

    For some reason, Xiao Xu's heart jumped. Recently, he always felt sick and had repeated low-grade fever. After each low-grade fever, he felt that his body had changed a little. Originally, he didn't think about the end. Not sleepy anymore. Went to his social software.

    Sure enough, several big Vs have already forwarded it.

    There are already many people going online at night, and the big V’s comment section has aroused a lot of discussion.

    "False news detention warning."

    "I would rather believe it if you have it or not."

."Why don't we buy something, even if it's an oolong incident, I leave it at home when I want to eat and when."

    "Yes, I will take leave tomorrow. It just so happens that I have a fever recently. Take leave to go to the supermarket."

    "I'll buy some too!"

    "Hey, you found that none of the administrators wake up, and those posts have been deleted." Everyone was surprised to find out.

    Someone let out a sigh of relief: "This is a big joke, man, go in, no one will give you a box lunch."

    There are also people who are always upset, in the end times, that is not a joke.

    Although the administrator deleted all the virus-like Shuijun posts in time, the news has spread, and it has long been screenshotted in the circle of friends or small groups. The news cannot be blocked by blocking.

.Early the next morning, a message came from Fang Cheng's cell phone. It was a ticket issued by his mother. Fang Cheng checked the time and went to pick it up later.

    Xiao Qingshu still needs to mention the car, and while eating a bubble, he confronted Fang Cheng and said, "Oh, have you heard that, some people say that the end of the world is coming." The more sensational news is that it can arouse everyone's attention.

    Fang Cheng said, "Oh, isn't it!"

    Xiao Qingshu began to popularize science with him: "Someone sent a message in the middle of the night, and it was spread everywhere. He asked everyone to stock up, and many people actually went. I watched a short video and the supermarket began to line up in the morning. These days, people are idle. It's still quite a lot." Although he felt that the other party was playing a prank, he still said, "Or let's buy some."

    Fang Cheng said: "Do you believe it?"

    Xiao Qing wrote: "Follow the crowd, everyone else will buy it. We don't buy it. Whatever you eat and drink when the time comes."

.Fang Cheng said: "You buy it, I will pick up my mother and brother later. By the way, you also tell your parents to buy something. This kind of news will not come from nowhere."

    Xiao Qingshu smiled and said: "I bought it a long time ago. My mother passed the news to me. She queued up early in the morning to buy some noodles and eggs, but it was a matter of course. She urged me to buy them as soon as possible. I'll go later, and I will bring you back what you want to eat."

    Fang Chengdao: "I want to drink yogurt."

    Xiao Qing wrote: "Okay, I'm leaving." Then he opened the map and said, "Hey, there is a traffic jam on the road, shouldn't you really ask for leave to go to the supermarket?" It is now 9 o'clock in the morning after the morning rush hour. At this time, the traffic jam is very abnormal.

    Fangcheng Road: "Change the way."

.Xiao Qingshu nodded and agreed, Fang Cheng told him the password of the villa, if he came back early, he could leave first.

    Fang Cheng took a look at the Internet, although the post he posted yesterday was deleted. But today there are many new posts. They are all talking about the inexplicable low-grade fever of many people recently, and then think of weird celestial phenomena.

    Ordinarily, at this time, in order to avoid causing panic, the people above will control it and quickly dispel the rumors and delete the posts, but this time it seems that no one cares at all. People who often surf the Internet feel that this time is abnormal. If it is really the end, it seems that they can't do much. But that post caused them to stock up a lot.

    I think this is the only thing they can do. Even the most stubborn people go out and don't care about anything else. First go to the supermarket to buy something.

.Everyone was inexplicably enthusiastic about hoarding goods, even those who didn't want to hoard goods, when they heard the news, they hurried to buy them.

    Fang Cheng just went out and received a call. The phone said: "Hello, I am a meat seller in a supermarket. I want to ask, do you still need meat." Fangcheng bought the thousand catties of meat from them before. He used some means to get it. The female manager got the phone. Call him immediately.

    If his meat goes through supermarket channels, he will have to deduct 20%. If he doesn't go through supermarkets, isn't the money just for making money? He thought about making a phone call to ask Fang Cheng if he wanted it, just a phone call, nothing was lost!

    "Is it quarantine-qualified supermarket meat?" Fang Cheng's heart moved, the more such things are the better. But if you buy more meat, you have to buy a few more freezers before you can put it down.

.When the supermarket meat seller heard that he was interested, he quickly said, "Yes, we have all the procedures here, so you can rest assured. I have been selling meat in the supermarket for several years. If there is something wrong, you come to me, how much do you want? Meat is also very popular now, I'll keep it if you want it."

    Fang Cheng said: "A thousand catties of pork and another thousand catties of beef."

    When I heard that the meat seller in the supermarket heard it, I was overjoyed. I felt that my phone call was really not in vain. Although the meat is easy to sell in the supermarket, I still have to give the supermarket a rebate. Fangcheng wants a large amount, so he doesn’t go to the supermarket. Can make a lot of money.

    Fangcheng agreed with him to pick up the meat at night, and ordered a few freezers with the largest capacity, 700L, in the local mall in advance. The other party called him immediately and agreed to deliver the goods in the afternoon. Fang Cheng said that he had something to do now, and he would wait for his call in the afternoon to send it.

.Fangcheng stopped when he drove out and passed a seed shop, and bought a bunch of fruit and vegetable seeds and fertilizers, and put them in the trunk before going to the airport. I was about to see his mother soon, but my mood was still a bit complicated

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