Chapter 58

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Zai Zai drank milk and fell asleep, Fang Cheng drove to the base. As soon as I arrived at the base, I could hear the sound of the alarm being sounded all the time.

    This was the base that Fangcheng had established with their own hands. They were very familiar with everything here, and he quickly found the command center. The guards here are tight.

    Fang Cheng went all the way in. As soon as he entered, he saw Xiao Qingshu, Xiang Yizhou Xu Liang, and even his brother Fang Quan was here.

    Several of them saw Fang Cheng said, "Why are you here?"

    Fang Cheng said, "You didn't come back for dinner at noon, I thought something went wrong!"

    Xiao Qing wrote: "You are still careful."

    Xu Liang didn't care about nonsense, and the other party said, "I will report to you about the recent work. Two groups of people found here. The other party has more than 8,000 people, including more than one hundred abilities. I want to occupy this place."

.Fang Cheng knew the danger when he came, but he didn't expect it to be a matter of life and death, so he hurriedly asked if the people from the other two groups were doing ghosts.

    Xu Liang said, "It sounds like it's a foreign accent!" Their influence is not small.

    Fang Quan hurriedly added the situation to his brother: "They were discovered by our secret whistle as soon as they came in. The alarm device was activated. The other party did not succeed in the attack, and wanted to negotiate with us and wanted to exchange some rare resources for our place."

    "This is impossible." Fang Cheng said.

    The opponent is typically courtesy first and then pawns, saying that they come in exchange for it, but in fact they are occupying here! There are many groups of large and small forces in City C. They now have the blessing of so many skilled talents, and they are barely counted as the top three. Although they are the latest starters, they have the fastest development speed. Life here has basically returned to the way it was before, completely different from the chaos outside.

.When others see it, they naturally want to occupy this place.

    Xu Liang said: "The other party is confident." With so many people surrounding their territory, it is obvious that they are demonstrating.

    Xiang Yizhou looked a little angry at the moment, and said: "We decided to fight."

    They had been in a meeting for a long time before Fang Cheng came, and at the moment they were busy talking to Fang Cheng about the things they had discussed before. Xiao Qing wrote: "We have put all the people in their homes and let them come out after the battle is over, so as not to cause unnecessary casualties."

    Fang Cheng nodded. Said: "I am the one for the action at night!"

    "Yeah." Xiao Qingshu nodded. Originally, they didn't want to bring Fangcheng, but now he has caught up, and they have to bring it if they don't.

    Then they quickly drew up a battle plan. .They waited until the night to start their operations. They worked so hard to create this base. Once they failed, they all set up wedding dresses for others.

    The opponent is coming fiercely, it seems that they have been prepared long ago, and that is the case, they can only face it.


    A dozen miles away, Xu Yi learned about this through intelligence.

    All his men have received professional training. All of them are versatile talents. I figured out the situation in a short time. The opposing leader is a man named Hu Xiao. He likes to lie in ambush everywhere. The base camp is in the next city, but it is not enough. He has great ambitions. Not only does he want to swallow Fangcheng and their base camp, but he also wants to annex all the large and small groups in City C step by step.

    And he doesn't have only a hundred supernaturalists as he said. The actual number of abilities is around three hundred.

.Fangcheng's strength on their side was also penetrated by the supernaturalists, and there were only more than a thousand players in total. There are only a dozen people with supernatural powers. Disparate in strength from the opponent.

    Xu Yi has been holding the walkie-talkie, hoping that Fang Cheng can turn to him for help. But after waiting for a while, there was no movement in Fangcheng.

    Where did Xu Yi know that Fang Cheng didn't bring this walkie-talkie at all. No matter what. He couldn't let Fang Cheng fall into a dangerous situation, and said to the four men: "You mix in the crowd, and when you start the station, you will completely block Hu Xiao and these people, and secretly protect Fang Cheng, and you can't let him suffer a little bit of harm."

    "Yes." All four of them were cultivated by the Xu family. Their combat effectiveness is extremely strong, even in the last days, they can be called fighters among the superpowers.

    With their presence, Xu Yi can rest assured.

    At night, it is already very cold here. .Hu Xiao and the others are still waiting for the other party's reply, but they haven't waited. Hu Xiao's eyes fell cold: "It seems that this group of people is not getting in."

    I was cursing, and suddenly I heard a burst of cannons from outside. Then Hu Xiao reacted at once: "There is an enemy attack!" He was unbelievable. When they chose Fangcheng, they knew a lot about it. How dare they just have such a small amount of troops.

    Then there was another burst of anger: "Damn it, we should let them see and see how powerful we are. The order is passed down, and all personnel are ready to fight! Let them taste what it means to be a dimensionality reduction attack. Anyone who opposes me will have to die. !" He gritted his teeth.

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