Chapter 45

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It was not easy for these technicians who came to Fangcheng to come to the area under their jurisdiction along the way.

    They were originally senior scholars, but now they are wearing rags.

    After I came, I registered first.

    When the person in charge of the team learned that they were the technical talents of the Agricultural College specially ordered by Xiao Qingshu, they took them to a hotel.

    The scholars came in batches, and three groups of people have been received today. After all, Professor Chen and his party were assigned to a room.

    It seems that they are not doing well during this time.

    The person in charge of the team said to the old man headed: "Professor Chen, you can rest here for a while. Later, the kitchen will make some food and send it over."

    Professor Chen nodded. .He brought his son, daughter-in-law, and a five-year-old grandson. In addition, there were two students, both of whom were PhD students under his command. They worked on projects together, ate and lived together. After so many years, they have been compared with each other. My son is not bad anymore. When the end of the world came, they were together, and they came together.

    The management team saw that they were crowded, and they were allocated a large suite of family rooms. There are three beds inside and one bed outside.

    What makes them even more happy is that the hotel has water and electricity.

    Several people quickly charged their laptops and mobile phones. Since now there is a local area network forum, contact with the outside world has become very good.

    Professor Chen's daughter-in-law was very happy to see the hot water, so she hugged her son in and took a hot bath happily.

.After the end of the world, water resources have become very scarce. Only a little water is enough to drink, and there is no extra time to take a bath. Before this condition, everyone would endure it. Finally there is a place to take a bath.

    After the daughter-in-law and grandson took a shower, they were comfortable getting dressed. Others were also a bit greedy, and other people went to bath one after another. There is no time to wait for the water heater to boil the water again. You can wash it with cold or warm water! I haven't taken a bath for too long, and the mud strips that I rubbed down almost blocked the floor drain. They opened the floor drain and the water drained smoothly.

    Everyone took a bath.

    After taking a shower, I feel that a clean body is not appropriate to wear dirty clothes that have not been washed for more than a year. How about women being careful. The daughter-in-law said: "There are clean sportswear in the closet!" No more, no more than five sets.

.Professor Chen is a cautious person. He also asked the manager to ask, and only changed it when he knew it was specially prepared for them. There are no children's clothes. The daughter-in-law folded the thick bath towel into a small bathrobe and put it on the child.

    All the clothes were thrown into the washing machine in the hotel. After pouring a little laundry detergent, through the rolling window, you can see the black water from the clothes.

    It’s so comfortable to be able to take a shower, have lights, and even wash clothes.

    Even Professor Chen's son said to his dad, "Really came right!" He didn't expect that just a bath would bring him such a sense of happiness.

    Everyone took a shower, cleaned the bathroom, and found their own bed to rest. They didn't have a car and depended on the people who came by. I was very sleepy after taking a shower. Lying on Xuan Ruan's bed, the moment his head hit the pillow, he fell asleep.

.I slept for two hours in one night, and the rest period is not long, but a good night's sleep is extremely relieved. When I got up, I only felt that all the strength of my body was back.

    Since the end of the world, this is the first good night they have slept.

    Soon the outside seemed to be squeezing time. Knocked on the door, and then the steward brought the food on the trolley. Stir-fried cabbage slices, minced pork beans, eggplant with sauce, and an egg custard. Beef and tomato soup, the staple food is multi-grain buns, which are made in a small stove in the kitchen. Knowing that these people are the distinguished guests of Fangcheng, I specially took them to entertain them.

    Professor Chen swallowed his saliva. Although it was a seemingly simple meal, the aroma came out.

    The steward said: "This meal is a traditional meal, and the base normally has a two-meal system. Specially-introduced talents like you can add an extra meal. The standard of the meal is two dishes and one soup, but the steamed buns are full."

.Professor Chen gave a hum.

    The steward put down the food and left. When he left, everyone quickly gathered around the cabinet to find a stool to eat.

    After a bite, the tears of several elders were about to come down. It smells so good...

    It's better to live

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