Chapter 37

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Xu Yi has been looking for Fangcheng, but Fangcheng seems to have disappeared out of thin air. The end of the world is coming, and it becomes more difficult to find someone.

    It is ridiculous that he only understood his feelings after separating from Fang Cheng, but found that he didn't even have a photo with Fang Cheng.

    Modern people rely on mobile phones very much. Even if there is no signal at all, they are used to carrying them around. He didn't expect the mobile phone to suddenly light up. He happened to be in the room at the time, and then he saw the people he thought about day and night appear.

    It may be that the signal is not good, and there is no sound and only the picture. Seeing Fang Cheng patiently taking care of a little baby.

    Xu Yiru was struck by lightning. Could it be that after Fang Cheng left him, he straightened up, and still had children with others.

    He wanted to go to Fangcheng and ask clearly. But within a few minutes, the signal over there was suddenly interrupted.

    Xu Yi was almost crazy. .He can't wait to know. Where is Fangcheng right now and what is going on with the child.

    This mobile phone can actually send a wave of videos. Originally, he liked to take the mobile phone out, but now the mobile phone is even more inseparable. I want to see if I can still send a video.

    It's a pity that he was disappointed. The short video looked like a mirage and never appeared again, but his heart and soul were gone.


    Where does Fangcheng know that this camera is so awesome that it can still transmit it to Xu Yi's mobile phone in a whirlwind period when there is no signal. Fangcheng has forgotten that Xu Yi's mobile phone was connected to this camera.

    Hold the cubs to play at the moment.

    The little bastard sticks to him every day. As long as you put it on the bed, the little guy starts to groan, he has to be hugged to be behaved. Fang Cheng kissed his milky son, and the little guy smiled happily.

.Fang Cheng said, "I knew that I was bullying my father." Even so, the weight of the boy is very light, and he won't be tired if he holds him for a day. The little guy was drinking milk, but it was so bad that he bought some milk powder by accident before the end of the world, and the little guy only drank it.

    The little baby is full of milk scent. Fang Cheng took him for a long time, and his body was full of this scent.

    The baby is a bit older now. Although he won't turn over yet, he can already express his thoughts by humming. I don't know if it was because of Xu Yi's early wisdom, the little big baby put him in a comfortable crib, the little guy was upset, and he would sleep next to Fangcheng at night.

    Fang Cheng sleeps quite honestly, but the child is too young. If he puts the cub next to him, he is always nervous, afraid that he will be crushed by this little thing when he sleeps at night.

    But Zai Zai ignores his father's good intentions at all.

.It is also the first time that Fangcheng has brought a child. I don't know how other people have brought a child. He belongs to the parents who are more used to children. Since the baby wants to come to sleep, I have to ask him. However, I will wake up several times at night to see the baby's condition.

    But the little guy doesn't care about Dad's nervousness, he can eat and sleep. When I get up in the morning, I have to be cute with Fang Cheng.

    Fang Cheng couldn't do anything with this little bastard. Nodded the little guy's cheek with his hand. The little cub cub milk fiercely wanted to bite Fangcheng, but even the teeth did not grow. It doesn't hurt even if you bite, usually Fang Cheng reacts quickly and still won't let him bite, making the little boy angry enough. Just tease the child like this every day, and enjoy it.

    Fang Cheng took the child to the living room. He was a little worried. Xu Liang had been out for several days and had not returned. He didn't know what was going on.

.Seeing Dad and Mom Xiao, the two were rare children. When they saw the baby, they wanted to come over and coax them, but they didn't come over because they had just gone to work in the field and had dirty hands.

    Fang Cheng said: "What's the ground?"

    "All the food is taken back, and the dried vegetables will be more than 500 kilograms." The dried vegetables will be distributed when they meet water, and the weight will be larger. The food will also be two thousand kilograms, but the food has just been returned and has not been dried.

    Soon Fang Quan returned. As soon as he entered the house, he saw his brother holding his nephew with a smile on his face: "Brother, Brother Liang is back. He is under the mountain." With a lot of energy, when I came back, I plunged my head down the mountain and fell asleep. Xiao Qingshu and Xiang Yizhou were both at the bottom of the mountain, asking him to come back to report the news.

    Fang Cheng said, "Then I won't be back today."

.Fang Quan washed his hands and leaned forward, and said, "Can I hold my nephew?" When he saw such a beautiful little cub in his brother's arms, he felt like something soft in his heart. It's a pity that the child has not been hugged since he was born.

    Fang Cheng hadn't spoken yet, he just watched the cub in his arms let out a fierce cry. I think I'm very mighty, but I don't know that it looks cute and cute.

    Fang Cheng said: "He doesn't talk to others." The little guy is a dual-type Thunder and Fire abilities. Although he is only a little baby, he is not happy enough for ordinary people.

    Fang Quan had no choice but to give up regretfully and said to Xiao Zai Zai: "I am your uncle."

    The child didn't know whether he understood it or not, and he said, as if responding to him.

    Fang Cheng watched the interaction between his younger brother and his son. Without even realizing it, there was a gentle curve at the corner of his mouth.

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