Chapter 30

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Stir-fried vegetables with sausages was nothing before the end of the world, but now I taste the salty sausages, and I am really moved. Everyone eats a big bowl of rice. Because the food is scarce at home, rice is not what you want to eat. . This time, Fang Cheng opened his own small warehouse.

    For them, eating so good is no less than the New Year.

    Dad Xiao said, "If you can eat this every day, you will be willing to die."

    I was slapped fiercely by Xiao Ma: "What nonsense, good days are yet to come." When the form is tense, I don't want to listen to discouraged words.

    Regardless of how delicious it is, the atmosphere is full of lightheartedness.

    After taking a shower and eating dinner later, everyone returned to the room as if they were before the end of the world.

.The next day Old Man Liu found Fang Chengdao: "The vegetables are now in mass production, but the method of planting has not been mastered for the grain. The soil is actually not suitable for growing grain. The young seedlings have sprouted after planting, but they have not been harvested until they are harvested. Before, we can't take it lightly."

    Fang Cheng said: "Thanks."

    In any case, this is also good news in everyone's hearts.

    The news of their recruitment was posted, and Xiang Yizhou wanted to stare to see if anyone was coming.

    Fang Cheng and Xiao Qingshu are at the base.

    There are many old, weak, sick and disabled people on the base. Old Man Liu gave them some seeds for them to cultivate some land. If the land yields a lot in the future, they can achieve self-sufficiency.

    Xiang Yizhou didn't come back until noon, which made everyone a little puzzled, because the temperature was about to cool down soon.

.But he did not come back, and everyone was not too worried, because after entering the end times, everyone has mastered this law proficiently, and his skill is everyone's best.

    Xiao Qingshu also told Fang Cheng, "Would you like to do another check."

    Fang Cheng nodded and agreed, and he was also curious about how this little guy was in his stomach.

    After a while, Xiao Qing wrote: "He is a very strong baby."

    Fang Cheng was also a little happy.

    The weather cooled down after noon. This time Xiao Qingshu and Fang Cheng stayed here. The lounge here is a simple house.

    After a brief inspection, basically everyone's rooms have quilts and other things to keep out the cold. Although it is cold, there is a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

.But even in this way, Fangcheng was a little blind to the eye, saying: "It's best to restore the heating. Let everyone warm up, otherwise it won't be a way to continue like this."

    Xiao Qing wrote: "I have done my best now, and other groups outside do not care about the life or death of ordinary people."

    Fang Chengdao: "Others are others, we are us."

    The temperature outside has completely cooled down, and heavy snow has begun to fall in the sky. This kind of scene is already common in the end times, and there is a car noise until the latter half of the night.

    Two people are together on duty to avoid accidents. Fang Cheng just got up and went out and was stopped by Xiao Qingshu. Xiao Qingshu said, "I'll go and see."

    After a while, I heard the sound of the engine stalling.

    Xiao Qingshu and Xiang Yizhou came in together.

.Even though Xiang Yizhou was wearing a thick down jacket, he was still shivering with the cold. The room was still warm, and it slowly eased a little.

    Fang Cheng said: "Why have you been out for so long?"

    Xiang Yizhou said, "It's completely messed up outside now."

    He himself wanted to go out and recruit some people, but he couldn't find them, but he inquired about some special news. He stayed on the mountain and down the mountain and was not sensitive to the news. He made a decisive decision to go around the city completely first, and other things. Say it again.

    Humans were originally social animals. Everyone yearned for a place to be blessed in the last days. Now they are divided into three groups, each of which is in power.

    There is an ice system. It is said that he was a junior high school class teacher before the end of the world. He took the lead in occupying several warehouses. Now there is a lot of food and water. .It is precisely because he has such unique resources that many followers are with him. The second one is a fire-type superpower who used to be a veteran. He has some weapons.

    As for the third ability person is a salesman, his wealth and women

    Now the situation is in abundance. Most people with a little talent and ability are recruited by these three big gangs, and they can only recruit some retail investors.

    Xiang Yizhou's face was a little ugly and said, "Someone noticed it when I went out to inquire about the news." It took him a lot of time to get rid of them.

    After all, it's daunting to be able to drive such a powerful jeep in the apocalypse, and it seems that there is no obvious hungry condition.

    Unexpectedly, in such a situation outside, Xiao Qing said in the calligraphy: "I will go to them for a while after tomorrow is completely better!"

.Fang Cheng has rebirth experience, he is no stranger to these, and he has a very good partner in the three groups, but he hasn't told Xiang Yizhou and the others yet

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