Chapter 23

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Fangcheng said to the old man: "If you have nowhere to go, just follow us. We have a small base in the field with land around. When you are done, we will all go farming with you."

    The old man thought for a while, and felt that this was the best way, and said, "Will it be too troublesome?" The old man really didn't go anywhere. Now the outside world is in chaos. Seeing that they are treating an old man who has never met before, I know that the other party must be a good person.

    When he said this, Fang Cheng knew it was done. Said: "No trouble."

    This is the final word.

    They continued to drive inside. There was no one on the street. Originally it took at least two hours to drive inside and now they can get in after one hour.

    But it was still blocked on a main line.

.Fangcheng stopped slowly, rolled down the window and said to the outsider: "Can we go in?"

    "Where did you come from and what are you going to do?" The eyes of these people were full of defensiveness.

    Fangcheng honestly said: "We are from City C and want to go in and pick up people."

    These people who set up roadblocks were shocked to hear that he was from City C. Although the two cities are not far away, it is said that there has been a zombie unrest over there, and the situation is very bad.

    It was surprising to see Fangcheng's old, young, and young being able to come back from there.

    The guardian said: "Did you meet zombies over there?"

    Fang Cheng hesitated first, then nodded.

.Several people in front questioned, the people behind went back to report, and soon a tall and mighty man came out of the house. This man had a beard and said, "Brother, do you want to stay with us? We organize here. A hunting squad has been created, and there is a shortage of people now."

    Fang Cheng is very fond of such up-and-coming people, and said: "Sorry, there is something wrong with the elderly in the family. We can't stay here. We will go back when we pick up people."

    Luhu was even more surprised. After a brief thought, he said, "That's good, take care. But the toll fee is ten second-level crystal nuclei." They also began to charge tolls.

    Fang Cheng glanced at Xiao Qingshu. Xiao Qingshu counted ten second-level crystal nuclei and handed them out. The crystal nucleus is pure like a gem. And every one is perfect without the slightest damage. .Thanks to Xiao Qingshu being a doctor, he can take the crystal nucleus intact. If it is taken violently, there will always be various scars on it.

    The beard-faced man received the crystal nucleus and liked it very much, and said, "Let it go." After that, Fang Cheng drove the car over. Fangcheng’s ears are good, and he can hear the younger brother behind him when he drove away: "Just take out ten second-level crystal nuclei, and I don’t know how much they have in stock." Zombies are not so easy to kill. No one can come back after going out once, let alone retrieve the crystal nucleus in its entirety.

    The bearded man said: "Just your brain still wants to rely on grabbing, zombies are not opponents, can you do it?"

    The car turned a corner, and the words behind could not be heard clearly.

    Fang Cheng said, "Hurry up, it may rain." The air became a little hot.

    The original noisy city seems to have been paused by the end of the world. .There was no one on the street.

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