Chapter 15

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After a while, Xiao Qingshu and Fang Quan came back. Their faces were very solemn. The family members also knew what was happening outside. They were very lucky to see them return safely.

    Xiao Qingshu carried two boxes of charging treasures from the car, as well as several electric fans, a tableware disinfection cabinet, and even two motorcycle helmets.

    Their things are all sorts of things, it can be seen that they are completely panicked, what to buy.

    Fang Cheng hurriedly charged these charging treasures. Fang Quan said, "Brother, outside..." They saw the scene of zombies rampage with their own eyes. They were not prepared for it. Fang Quan had already vomited once while on the road.

    Fang Cheng gently touched his brother's hair, and said, "We all know."

    Xiao Qingshu was a little surprised when he heard what he said, and then Fang Cheng talked about the scene on the TV.

.Xiao Qingshu nodded, then looked at it, and said, "Where is Liu Man and Xiang Yizhou?" They were already familiar with each other. There is chaos outside, and the later you come back, the more dangerous it becomes.

    The equation said: "I came back long ago, they were too tired to go back to sleep."

    Xiao Qingshu was relieved when he heard the news. Now that they are so chaotic outside, they can rely on these few people around them.

    Mother Liu said, "The porridge is ready." She also boiled a few eggs.

    Fang Cheng said: "In the near future, everyone should not go out. If the food is limited, save some food."

    This remark caused everyone's response. After eating the soft and sticky millet porridge, there was food in the stomach, and the tight people relaxed.

    At this moment, Liu Man and Xiang Yizhou also came out of the room. In this case, they couldn't sleep well. Liu Man was okay. .Although his sleep time is short, his sleep quality is high. Xiang Yizhou had just experienced a wave of power awakening, his eyes were full of red blood, and he was even thinner and tired.

    Fang Cheng saw that Xiang Yizhou had also come down, and he was relieved. It seemed that he had already passed the most difficult level.

    Mother Liu hurried to serve the porridge and had a quiet meal.

    After dinner, Fang Cheng suggested that everyone hold a meeting.

    Everyone understands the external situation now, and it is completely different from the past. If you want to survive in the last days, everyone must be twisted together.

    Everyone sitting in the hall, Fang Cheng said, "Auntie and my mother are in charge of the housekeeping, cleaning the room, cooking, and washing clothes. Is that okay?"

    Before Fang Cheng finished speaking, Ma Liu agreed and said, "Okay, I can't help me with anything else, but I can do these tasks. I can't stay idle, I'm most afraid of doing nothing.".After watching the tragic scene on TV, Ma Liu felt that she was right here. Although the fence outside the villa was a bit ugly, it was safe to see if it was welded.

    She and her son are all touched, although they both also stock up on something. But he also underestimated the seriousness of the situation. Relying on their little things, he would insist on it for a month at most. Fang Cheng provided vitality to the two of them, which was too much for them. Doing a bit of work is rather comfortable.

    Fang's mother also nodded. She looked at Fang Cheng, but Fang Cheng didn't look at him.

    Outside the processing house, there are five men and a little girl.

    Fang Chengdao: "A group of three people will stay together no matter what they do to ensure everyone's safety. There is a camera outside the villa. If an abnormality is found, you will be notified immediately."

    Xiang Yizhou said, "I'm a group with Fang Cheng and Xiao Qingshu.He deliberately didn't separate himself with his sister. If there was an accident, at least one of them could survive.

    Liu Man said: "Then we will be a group of three." Then he patted Fang Quan and Xiang Tian and said, "Brother Man will cover you in the future."

    They are divided into groups, and their hearts are slightly settled. Fangcheng asked everyone to go back and have a good rest. The most important thing is to maintain a good state.

    They were nervous at first, but when they saw that Fang Cheng was organized, everyone gradually settled down. Get back to sleep quickly.

    Fangcheng’s room was on the first floor. After he returned to the house, he reviewed the situation. Whether there was any omission, he thought about the basic water and food before he could put snacks.

    He lay on the bed and fell asleep soon.

    It was already the next morning when I woke up.

    He opened the curtains and it was completely dark outside. .He glanced at the time. It was already eight o'clock the next day. Normally, it was already bright at this time. Fang Cheng went out and everyone was sitting on the sofa in the hall.

    Liu Man was relieved to see Fang Cheng. The unknowingly Fangcheng has become their spiritual pillar: "I got up at five o'clock, the sky has been dark, and it hasn't lit up yet."

    Xiang Tian couldn't wait to say to Fang Cheng: "Brother Fangcheng, my brother will get angry."

    Fang Cheng looked at it immediately and saw that Xiang Yizhou was playing with a ball of fire. The fire did not harm him at all, and he couldn't control it just after he appeared the ability.

    Fang Chengdao: "It is estimated that it is also because of this mutation. This is a good thing." He has an extra weapon.

    The others were very envious of Xiang Yizhou, and Xiang Yizhou himself was a little happy.

    Just as he was speaking, the card was blacked out. .Only a few rechargeable emergency lights at home are still on, and the light is very weak.

    A sentence emerged in everyone's mind: The end of the world is really here

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