Chapter 47

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Scholars have determined that the fountain of life has the effect of increasing production, which is a major discovery. And five milliliters of the fountain of life can dilute a pot of water to act on the crops. This is great news, and the help of the Fountain of Life is undoubtedly equivalent to an extra golden finger.

The most important thing now is whether you can get more of the fountain of life.

The news was quickly reported to Xiao Qingshu and Fang Cheng.

The last time it was Xiao Qingshu who drove there in person, and took a few large buckets to fill several buckets. It was a natural moor. The weeds here were deep and the residents living nearby would never pass. Since this water is so effective. They'd better occupy the park.

It is now owned by the head of the group, the salesman.

In the conference room, only Fang Cheng, Xiang Yizhou, and Xiao Qingshu were discussing countermeasures.

.Xiao Qing wrote: "We are crowded now, and there is not enough food. The combat team has not yet formed a large scale. I suggest that we should be courteous first and then soldiers."

Xiang Yizhou sneered at this idea: "Naive. Think about it in another way. If someone wants to take something from you, would you agree?"

When he was shocked by this sentence, Xiao Qingshu stopped talking.

Fang Cheng said: "Just grab it." The fountain of life is the key to increasing grain production in the last days, and it must be obtained there at all costs.

As soon as Fangcheng's voice fell, Xiao Qing wrote: "Okay." In fact, the two camps where the salesman and the teacher are, it is not easy to control the entire C city, and there are many areas where they do not care.

There are old buildings near the artificial lake where the Fountain of Life is located. It is certainly not difficult to grab it. But if you commit a taboo by fishing for territory from others, others will retaliate against them.

.The other two groups have been in the city for a whole year. Although they are developing fast, their foundation is not as stable as the other two groups.

In general, everyone does not want to conflict.

Fang Cheng said: "I just looked at it. Our forum has 300,000 simultaneous online users." There are still computers in the city at this time, and only a small number of people can log in. This kind of influence is already very large, Fang Cheng He paused and said: "Others have long been thinking about us, and there will be a battle sooner or later. The importance of the fountain of life is self-evident. Rather than waiting to be beaten, it is better to open a hole in this matter."

After Fang Cheng finished speaking, the other two people also agreed. Said: "Just do it."

This time I went out to grab the site. Both Xiang Yizhou's first fighting team and Xu Liang's second fighting team set off. Xiao Qingshu and Fang Cheng are in the base camp.

.Their fighting pair usually does daily protection work, as well as an important task against zombies.

Before departure, Xiao Qingshu said to the two groups: "Our goal is to seize the territory, not to be fast and quick. It's best to come back before dark." The weather became extreme at night. These battle squads are their treasures, even if one person is damaged, they will be extremely distressed.

"Yes." The two groups of people said loudly at the same time, loudly.

They each took a car and left on two routes.

Fang Cheng watched them leave. Write to Xiao Qing: "How is the hospital's preparations going." The zombies besieged the city, and many hospitals suffered heavy casualties, and the hospital project was cancelled. However, many of the ordinary people are sick. The end of the world can only be maintained with medicine.

Things in the hospital can't be delayed.

.Xiao Qing wrote: "I have found some pediatric doctors in the emergency department of internal medicine and surgery in the registration form. However, the several hospitals here are severely damaged and have to start from scratch." The only one that is intact and powerful is the operating room on Fang Chengshan. .

Xiao Qingshu wanted to say that he had restored the hospital, and his whole body seemed to have inexhaustible strength: "I'm over there." His ability can perform operations on everyone, and the hemostatic effect is particularly good. It must be better than before. They came bit by bit, Xiao Qing said: "There is also good news that the kindergarten is about to be completed, and the children will be taken care of by that time."

The common people have been locked up at home for more than a year, and it has long been uncomfortable. There is something to do now, and even the most arduous washing work has to be done. Earn some spar, then wait for the supermarket open day to buy some delicious food to improve everyone's life.

.The people here can find things to do, but they can go farming if they really can't find them. They pick up the floor tiles in the community. Pave the soil, and plant all the places that can be planted.

Here is a look of enthusiasm.

Xu Liang and the others did not come back that day, and they sent someone back at noon the next day to announce the good news: "The boss asked me to buy it and said that we took the place without a single soldier and said that we would arrange more manpower to garrison. Over there, I won't come back yet."

When Xiao Qingshu heard it, he was overjoyed and said: "Great, I will order someone to go over now, and you have done a good job. I will ask the back chef to give you stew."

The eyes of the people in the battle squad lit up: "That's great!"

Fangcheng directly moved a hundred catties of pork from the mountain. Speaking of where to do it, the combat squad must be rewarded for its success the first time it performs its mission.

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