Chapter 10

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Xiang Yizhou went to buy food on a rainy night, but was hurt by a small bastard hiding in the dark on the way back. He was furious, and the changes in the weather made him feel irritable. At this time, some people took the initiative to provoke him. Kicked one of them fiercely in the dark night.

    It was still raining heavily, and the heavy raindrops on the body hurt, and the heavy rain couldn't open the glasses.

    Those little gangsters usually hide in the dark and dare not make trouble. Now, seeing the weather is bad, they are very courageous. He came up directly to provoke: "Put down all the money and bread."

    Xiang Yizhou is furious, he has no habit of hoarding food. Those non-staple food and grocery stores will not sell them even if they have goods. He searched for just a few breads for a long time. These chopsticks did not come out to buy by themselves, but instead grabbed others: "Dreaming."

    These little gangsters took advantage of the rainy night to commit crimes, just want to rob a few pens and leave. .The first few cases went well for them, and they had a hard time just getting overwhelmed. Their tone also became impatient: "You're looking for death by yourself."

    Xiang Yizhou is one person, but they have three people. Taking advantage of the dark night, they did nothing but took out their knives.

    Xiang Yizhou's heart is not good.

    Even if he can hit him, there is no one in his hand. Are these people trying to kill and set fire?

    His heart was stunned, and his wildness was also aroused.

    At this moment, I heard a familiar voice, saying: "One boat followed." Then his hand sank, and there was an extra knife.

    After all, Fang Cheng had survived for a while in the last days, and his skills were very agile. Coupled with his good night vision ability on rainy nights, these three unruly punks are simply here to give away their heads.

.These three were beaten up and yelled shortly, and soon ignoring the pain of the body, they ran away in a panic. They wanted to take advantage of the chaos, but they didn't plan to fold themselves in.

    Xiang Yizhou didn't expect Fang Cheng to be so obedient when he was in school, but now he plays with the knife so neatly. It was completely beyond his expectation.

    He wanted to say something, but the rain was so fierce that he couldn't open his mouth. Fang Cheng knew he had a doubt, and said, "Go back and talk about it." Then he ran home quickly with Fang Cheng.

    Xiang Yizhou opened the door with the key. The power supply has been restored after a short water and power outage, but there is still no network signal.

    Xiang Yizhou didn't feel it just now, but when he got home, he found that his arm hurts badly. He glanced at it and was scratched by a knife. There was a hideous wound. Xiang Yizhou found a towel and simply bandaged it.

.As soon as Xiang Yizhou came back, Xiang Tian packed up two suitcases from the house and said, "Brother, you are back."

    Xiang Yizhou said: "The only family that opened the door, the bread that usually sells for five dollars is now sold for 100, so I take advantage of the fire. I have to go to the Price Bureau to report him." He has enough money to buy five breads. of. Then curiously asked: "What are you doing packing up?"

    Fang Chengdao: "I ran a farmhouse before, and there are some food, I know you can't buy it now. The more the food is, the more the food is in demand. It is better to be in the suburbs in the city, I am here to pick you up specially."

    Xiang Yizhou knew that Fang Cheng was the safest person to do things. He actually said this, and said slightly, "So serious?" There is only food for less than three days at home. If it is true as Fang Cheng said, it would be too dangerous. NS.

    Fang Cheng nodded.

.Xiang Yizhou has only one sister to depend on each other, and there are no relatives who can go to Fangcheng. It is indeed a good choice to go to Fangcheng, saying: "Will it be too troublesome?"

    They used to talk about everything when they were in college. Although it is better to be a real brother than a real brother, they have graduated for four years. Although they are still connected, they are not as they were before.

    Fang Cheng said, "Big brother and I have a birth." They are ranked according to their age in the dormitory, and Fang Cheng is the youngest.

    Xiang Yizhou quickly explained: "No, it's still the same in my heart."

    Fang Cheng said: "What kind of words are you going to say?" said: "You try to bring as little change of clothes as possible, bring some medicines, a flashlight, and I have everything you eat. I also have clothes, try to pretend to be the necessities of life."

    Hearing what he said was serious, Xiang Yizhou opened up the skin of his sister. .It was discovered that it was the suitcase that the child had put in place, and it was filled with clothes, and even contained some toys.

    Xiang Yizhou had been on a business trip when he was in business before, and he began to rearrange it. Fang Cheng couldn't help either. He glanced at the pitch black outside as if it was early morning. Actually it was only 5:30 in the afternoon.

    Fang Cheng said, "Do you know where the second and third brothers are?" It was the other two brothers in their dormitory.

    Xiang Yizhou said: "The third child is not in our C city. After graduation, he went to S city to join relatives to do landscaping. The second child inherited the family hotel."

    Fang Cheng said: "Let's pick up the second brother and go back together." He said.

    Xiang Yizhou's eyes lit up. .Since I was out of society for a few years, I always felt that I was the most yearning when I was in college. In the first few years after graduation, some people in the small group of four of them often suggested that the four people cooperate in a business. For nothing else, I hope that my friends will stay together. After all, it is difficult for a person to make a few close friends in his life, and then nothing else.

    Now that the world is not good, it is hard for Fang Cheng to have this heart, and he still thinks about everyone.

    Fang Cheng said: "Hurry up, and it will take three hours to drive from here to the second brother's house."

    Xiang Yizhou quickly pulled up the suitcase and said, "Okay."

    Just as Xiang Yizhou was about to carry the box, Fang Cheng said, "Let me carry it, your arms and hands are not ready yet."

    Xiang Tian said: "Brother, what's the matter?"

    Xiang Yizhou didn't want his sister to worry, so he pretended to be okay and said, "I just didn't see the road clearly and fell down."

.Fang Cheng carried the big box and went downstairs to Yizhou with the small box. Fangcheng opened the trunk and put things in the trunk. Xiang Yizhou sat in the co-pilot and Xiao Tian sat in the back. They drove all the way to find the dormitory second, Liu Man.

    Fangcheng knew that this heavy rain would have trapped many cars and prisoners on the road, and it would be unwise to take the road. He finally decided to take a small path. The car was spacious and comfortable. Although all the broadcast signals were cut off, Xiao Tian fell asleep listening to the sound of the rain hitting the car window.

    Fang Cheng drove downstairs to the second brother's house and woke up Xiao Tian and left her in the car alone. The car was locked and people outside could not get in.

    Fang Cheng followed Xiang Yizhou upstairs. The elevator in their community stopped running, but Liu Man's house was on the thirteenth floor, and they walked up quickly all the way. .In the stairwell, many people were talking about the ghostly weather outside, and finally climbed to the thirteenth floor. They watched his bedroom second brother Liu Man holding a watermelon in one hand and an old-fashioned tape recorder in the other while singing and eating. What about fruits

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