8. Sports Festival Obstacle Race

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"Was it a boy?" Your dad asked as he drove away from the boba shop.


"Was it a girl?"


"Was it a... they?"


"Who was it then?!"

You huffed. "Dad! Leave it alone! It was no one, don't worry about it!"

"But I want to know who you're hanging out with and where at all times so that I know you're safe." He said.

"Dad." You said as you closed your eyes and rubbed your temples. "I have a phone. If I'm not safe I'll call you. Plus, you can literally find my location by looking at your phone. So if I'm at a boba shop, I'm not in trouble!"

He pulled into the driveway of your house. "Yeah, but-"

You unbuckled and grabbed your half full boba and your bag before getting out of the car. "But nothing."

You walked up the steps and unlocked the front door, immediately going up to your room.

Aizawa followed you. "Are you mad at me for some reason?"

You scoffed. "Uh, yeah!"

"What did I do?" He asked.

You put your bag on your bed and placed your boba on your nightstand. "Seriously? Well let's start at the beginning. I'm mad at you for not retiring after mom's accident even though I begged you to. I'm mad at you for sneaking out to go to work almost every night after that and leaving me here all alone. I'm mad at you for then taking the job at this dumb school, where I was then left alone at home even more. Now more recently, I'm mad at you for forcing me to be in this hero class that I want absolutely nothing to do with. I'm mad at you for trying to fight all those villains at the USJ by yourself, when you knew you'd be overwhelmed. And lastly, I'm mad at you for going to school the very next day even though I asked you to stay home and rest."

He just stood there in the doorway, frowning.

"There's more, I could go on" You said as you took a step towards him. "But I don't want to. You could figure out the rest."

You shut the door and went over to lay on your bed.

You groaned when you heard your phone ring from somewhere within your bag. you grabbed your bag and just dumped it upside down instead of digging through it. Once the phone fell out, you saw an unknown number on it.

"What?" You asked once you answered the call.

"Okay, you don't sound happy." Shinso said from the other end of the call. "I just wanted to make sure you got home okay."

You raised an eyebrow. "How did you get my number?"

"Oh, when I asked Todoroki about you I asked for your number as well." He said.

You were still confused. "How did he get my number?"

Shinso of course didn't have the answer for that question. "I'm not sure. But did you get home okay?"

"Yes." You answered simply. "Is that all?"

"Um, yeah I guess" Shinso seemed unsure. "I guess I could also ask if you're ready for the sports festival tomorrow?"

There was no answer from you.

"Hello?" Shinso asked. "Y/n? You still there?"

"No." You said. "I'm not participating in the sports festival."

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