75. Hero Work

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Should I make a mha smut book? Just cause I have a bunch of ideas for a bunch of different characters and like... smut ya know?


Since we all know that Y/n doesn't like the risks that come with being a hero, here's a chapter about what happened once when Shinso got hurt on the job. I'm advertising my Bakugo story again here cause I'm the author and I can, READ IT.


You walked into Shinso's office without knocking, yeah, wife privileges.

Shinso glanced up from his desk and smiled when he saw that it was you. "Hey babe"

You smiled back at him and walked over to his desk, holding out a packet of papers.

"These need your signature, sir" You said jokingly.

Shinso's face flushed a bit at the title as he took the papers from you and set them on his desk. And the blush didn't go unnoticed by you.

You raised your eyebrows and grinned. "You liked that?"

He nodded his head. "Everyone calls me that all day hear, but when you said it it had a nice ring to it."

You giggled and stepped around his desk. "Maybe I'll call you that more often. Especially when we get home, hmm?"

He swallowed thickly and nodded again. "That- That would be nice"

You giggled again at how flushed his face was.

You were gonna sit on his lap and tease him further, but the alarm went off throughout the agency right before you got the chance to.

Shinso shook his head of the dirty thoughts and quickly stood up.

"Let's try that later tonight, yeah?" He asked as he kissed your cheek and grabbed his mask off his desk.

"Yeah" You agreed.

You watched him put his mask on as he ran out the door.

"Be safe!" You called after him.

He gave you a thumbs up from the hallway before slipping out of your sight.

You stood there for a moment and thought over the conversation you just had, laughing a bit at how easy Shinso was to fluster. And then you found your cheeks beat up thinking about what tonight would bring.

You put both hands on your cheeks and took a deep breath. "Calm down, Y/n. You're at work."

You left Shinso's office and returned to yours, sitting down at your desk and putting in your earpiece.

After a few minutes you heard Shinso's voice. "Y/n?"

"Here" You said. "What's the situation?"

He paused for a moment. "I'm not sure yet..." He said slowly. "There was some sort of explosion at an apartment complex, that's what the call was for anyway, all civilians are out of the building right now. I'm trying to determine what caused it, some witnesses reported seeing an unfamiliar man walk into the building with a bag earlier today, but that's it."

You wrote down some of the details on a new piece of paper. "Okay, please be careful"

"I am" He said. "I just wanna know what hap-"

A loud 'boom' came from his side of the earpiece just before the entire connection was lost.

"Hitoshi?" You asked. You frantically tapped on your earpiece. "Hitoshi?!"

Of course he wasn't answering, the connection was down.

"Fuck!" You shouted as you stood up and pulled the earpiece out of your ear.

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