12. Aftermath

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When Aizawa finally made it to the nurse's room he was surprised to see how many people were in there.

"Uh?" He looked around at everyone. "Why are you all here?"

Midoriya stood up and bowed. "I had to make sure she was okay since it was my quirk that hurt her in the first place!-"

Before he could spew anymore All Might grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back down into his seat. "I'm just accompanying young Midoriya."

"I wanted to see her" Todoroki said without taking his eyes off you.

Aizawa looked at the last person in the room. "Hitoshi Shinso?" He asked.

"Uh hi... sir?" Shinso said as he stood up to acknowledge him. "I'm just here cause I kinda forced her into the match, so it's basically my fault she's hurt."

"You forced her into the match?" Aizawa asked.

Shinso gulped. "Yeah, so... the first match I was the one who pushed her out into the arena." He started twiddling his fingers. "And then the second match I used my brainwashing to make her walk out there herself." He dropped his hands and looked down at his feet. "And both times she said she didn't want to go out there. Sorry."

Aizawa placed a hand on Shinso's shoulder. "Thank you, she needed that."

Shinso looked up, surprised that Aizawa wasn't mad. Couldn't he see his daughter right now? Unconscious in the bed with her limbs all broken?

Aizawa sighed as he took the seat closest to the bed, it was right next to the one Todoroki chose, he did that purposefully since he knew Aizawa would want to sit closest to you.

"So, she's been out this whole time?" Aizawa asked.

Todoroki shook his head. "She woke up to tell Midoriya to shut up, but then she went out right afterwards."

Aizawa hummed. "Well, seems like she's okay then."

"Okay?" Midoriya asked. "She's broken!"

"I guess Bakugo really doesn't hold back." Aizawa said.

"But it wasn't Kacchan, it was my quir-" Midoriya started talking but then All Might cut him off.

"Young Midoriya, your match is up next, you should go." All Might looked over at Todoroki. "You too, I expect to see both of you do your best."

Midoriya put a determined look on his face as he stood up. "Yeah, you're right."

All Might and Midoriya both left the room.

Aizawa turned to Todoroki. "You should go" He said. "Your match will be starting soon."

Todoroki stood up. "I'll be back." He said before leaving.

That left just Aizawa and Shinso, the latter stood against the wall nervously shuffling his feet around and fumbling with his hands in his pockets.

"Shinso." Aizawa suddenly said, causing the boy to pick his head up. "You tried out for the hero course, but you knew you needed a back up and applied for the general course as well."

Shinso nodded his head. "Yes sir, and I was right to do so. My quirk doesn't work on the robots from the entrance exam."

"That's why the entrance exam is so flawed." Aizawa said. "Shinso, I noticed during the other events of the festival you and my daughter were helping each other. How'd you manage to get her to participate?"

"Um..." Shinso shrugged. "I don't know, the other day I asked her to help me and I guess we're friends so maybe that's why?"

Aizawa hummed. "I see potential in you."

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