52. More Short Stories

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Here's some scenarios that I thought would be funny

-Y/n and Shinso would def get caught using bathroom breaks just to walk the halls with eachother-

"Y/n" Aizawa called on you with a sigh when he saw that your hand was raised.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" You asked.

He always said yes, so you had already stood up and walked towards the door before he even answered.


That was a new answer.

Aizawa walked over to the door with his hands in his pockets and looked out into the hallway. He turned to look to the left and then the right before turning back around.

"Go ahead." He mumbled tiredly.

You smiled and went out of the classroom, you walked down the hallway and rounded the corner to see Shinso leaning against the wall waiting for you.

When he saw you he turned and smiled. "Hey"

"Hiii" You said excitedly as you shuffled over to him and gave him a quick hug.

You both started walking around the halls on the next floor, just so that you wouldn't pass either of your classrooms.

"I think my dad's onto us" You brought up. "He looked into the hallway before he let me leave"

"But he didn't see me, right?" Shinso asked.

You shook your head.

"So then we're fine!" He said. "And does your dad even care if you leave class to walk around with me? Does he teach or does he just sleep?"

You hummed. "He teaches sometimes. But usually he just sleeps. So nope! We're fine!"

You walked around for a few more minutes, hand in hand of course, just talking about your days.

"I overslept, so I got here a bit late today" You admitted.

"Is that why your shirt is all wrinkled?" He asked as he fixed your collar that had one end sticking up.

You nodded your head and he chuckled.

"Well I underslept" He said. It was no surprise, he usually only ended up getting 3 or 4 hours of sleep a night.

"You should take some melatonin or something" You suggested.

He shook his head. "Doesn't work. And I have to take an unhealthy amount to make it work."

"Oh, nevermind then." You sighed. "I don't know how you'd be able to get more sleep then"

Shinso shrugged. "It's my dad's fault. Since his quirk is no sleep, I guess I have trouble falling asleep, except I don't have his quirk so... I'm tired all the time."

"Wanna come over for a nap after school?!" You suggested happily.

"Doubt I'll fall asleep, but yes" He answered.

You swung your hand in his. "That's okay, we can just cuddle"

"I like cuddles" He said quietly.

"I know you do!" You said as you arrived back at the stairs and started walking back down to the floor with your classrooms.

"See you after school" He said.

You leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "See you after school"

With one last wave you parted ways and headed back to your own classrooms.

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