70. Goodbye?

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Since imma wrap the book up soon imma stray from the manga so bare with me, it was so hard to write about the manga cuz i didn't totally understand it so i desperately have to go back and proof read those chapter. I still have to read the last 5 chapters for mha and then i'm done. Also this book hit 3k reads!!! Ty guys so much for voting and commenting, your comments bring me so much joy and i love responding to them!


-Few days after your surgery-

"Huh" You said as you looked at your grey eyes through the mirror in front of you. "Cool."

"That's it?" Shinso asked with a chuckle. "Just cool? I thought you'd have more to say"

You looked at yourself from different angles and shrugged. "I don't know what else to say. They're just grey, which is weird because I have no idea why they're like that. I wanna know what the fuck that doctor did to me, and why he decided to not make me a nomu."

Shinso leaned against the wall next to you and sighed. "The theory right now is that the doctor originally planned to make you a nomu after those enhancements to your quirk, but then he probably thought you weren't the right body type. He probably wanted someone big and tall with lots of muscle."

You looked away from the mirror and looked up at Shinso with a clueless look on your face. "You don't think I have enough muscle?" You asked jokingly.

Shinso smiled at you. "I think you have the perfect amount of muscle, just not enough for a giant killing machine. And I'm very glad that he thought so too."

"I agree!" You exclaimed. You took a few steps away from the mirror and looked at your entire self. "I am perfect!"

"Eh" Shinso shrugged. "I didn't say that"

You gave him a look out of the side of your eye.

He chuckled as he stepped towards you and placed his hands on your waist. "Kidding"

"You better be" You muttered as you lifted yourself to your tiptoes and kissed him.

Shinso's thumbs moved in soft circles against your hips, causing you to get butterflies in your stomach and smile against his lips.

You grabbed his hands with yours and pulled away from the kiss with a huge smile on your face.

"Come on!" You pulled on his hands as you stepped backwards towards the door. "We gotta get over to the 1-a dorm and see everyone!"

Shinso allowed you to pull him out of the room and towards the exit of the faculty dorms.

Once you got outside you looked around at the giant defense system that principle Nezu somehow installed.

"I still don't get it." You said. "The defense system is crazy. I know it's necessary- but how the fuck does it even work? U.A can move around?"

Shinso shook his head. "The more I think about the more questions I have, so I just ignore it."

You hummed. "That's a good idea"

(me because i don't understand it)

As you got closer to the class 1-a dorm you saw that everyone was outside training. More specifically, Bakugo and Midoriya were using Kirishima as a punching bag.

"Ah, so everything's normal here" You said as you skipped up to them, forcing Shinso to follow since you were holding his hand.

"Hi guys!" You called once you were close enough, waving with your free hand.

Everyone stopped their training when they heard your voice and turned towards you approaching them.

"Y/n!" Iida said. "Judging from the skip in your step, I take it the surgery went well?"

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