53. Copy

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"Ewww" You dragged out as you looked at a worm that was on the ground.

You crouched down to get a closer look at the worm crawling though the dirt.

"Ew" Shinso said as he joined you.

He grabbed a stick and used it to pick up the worm. When he glanced at you with a grin on his face you knew what was about to happen.

"No." You pointed a finger at him. "No, Hitoshi if you put that anywhere near me I'm breaking up with you for real."

He moved the stick a bit closer to you. "I don't think you actually would"

You stumbled backwards and then quickly stood up. "Hitoshi, I am so serious right now"

He also stood up, holding the stick out towards you. "Noooo you're notttt"

He took a step forward and you instantly turned and ran. Of course he chased after you.

"Stop it! That's disgusting!" You shouted without looking back.

"It's just a worm!" Shinso shouted back, you could hear laughter in his voice.

Shinso cornered you against a tree and held the worm up to your face. "See?- Ah!"

He suddenly dropped the stick and the worm onto the ground and jumped back. "It touched me!- Ew!"

Now it was your turn to laugh.

You slowly crouched down and used the stick to pick up the worm.

"Are you scared of worms, Hitoshi?" You asked with a devilish smile as you stood back up.

"No..." He said as he took a small step back. "It was just... slimy..."

You thrusted the stick towards him and laughed as he yelp and started running away.

"You're scared of worms!" You shouted as you chased him, holding the stick out as far as you could.

"What are you two doing?"

You stopped running and turned to see your dad standing with his arms crossed just under his scarf.

"I told you guys to continue the training, and now you're chasing each other with worms?" He asked. "How old are you?"

Yeah... Should've mentioned this before, Aizawa had left to go check on Eri. And in that short timeframe you started goofing off, eventually getting Shinso to join in on your tomfoolery.

You held the stick out towards your dad.

"Ooohhh" You said with a nervous chuckle. "A wormmmm"

Your dad grabbed the worm off the stick with his bare hand, much to your surprise.

"Y/n, you don't like worms." He said. "So why are you chasing Shinso with one?"

You scratched your head. "Because he chased me first- And they're gross!"

Your dad suddenly held the worm out just in front of you.

"Get back to training." He said sternly, waving the worm around for emphasis.

You quickly ran back over to Shinso and started doing a random exercise, he also joined in.

Aizawa groaned as he rolled his eyes. "Forget it, let's go."

He started walking off in the direction he came from.

You glanced at Shinso. "Uh- Go where?"

"You're going to borrow Eri's quirk" Aizawa said.

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