51. Make Up

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You walked back to the dorms after lightly swinging for about another half hour.

You couldn't really think that much, you basically just realized that you're bad at understanding situations.

The bottom line was that Shinso was right, Todoroki loves you. And now you had to go apologize to your boyfriend and hope that he still wanted to be your boyfriend. God you hoped that he still wanted to be your boyfriend.

You were able to see your breath in front of your face as you walked, gosh it was freezing, even more so since it had gotten dark.

You heard a twig snap behind you and immediately spun around.

This is so weird... It feels like someone's watching me... Just like with the bush earlier...

You tapped your foot against the ground and crossed your arms over you chest. "I know you're there, just come out."

You had no idea if someone was there or not, for all you knew you could've been talking to yourself. But it was worth a shot.

"Are you a perv?" You narrowed your eyes into the darkness. "Are you Mineta?"

You heard a meow come from a different direction, and you instantly screamed and started running back to the dorm building.

Fuck no. Not today.


You got back into the dorms building and slammed the front door shut before leaning your back against it and panting, you hadn't stopped running since you heard the meow.

"Jesus" You muttered as you slipped off your shoes.

"Are you okay?" Midoriya asked.

You lifted your head and saw that the deku-squad were all sitting in the common room.

"You seem out of breath" Uraraka said. "Was someone chasing you?"

You awkwardly chuckled as you wiped at your bright red nose with the back of your hand. "No, no, I just decided to go for a run" You lied.

"In your school uniform?" Asui asked. "At night?"

You nodded. "Yes."

You straightened out your skirt and pushed yourself off the door. "I'm gonna go... upstairs" You said awkwardly before running up the stairs.

Nice one Y/n, they'll never suspect that you were just running from a cat that you never even saw.

You got into your room and saw Shinso sitting at your desk with his head in his hands. He looked up when he heard you close the door.

"Hitoshi..." You said quietly as you walked over. "I'm sorry, Shoto just told me-"

"He told you he loves you. Right?" He asked, cutting you off.

You nodded your head.

Shinso sighed. "Yeah, I was afraid that would happen."

He stood up and went towards the door. "Well, I'll go now-"

"Wait!" You quickly grabbed his forearm to keep him in place. "Why would you go?"

"Because Todoroki told you he loves you" He said. "So I'm assuming that you would want him over me"

You shook your head and grabbed his other forearm with your hand. "I don't want him. I want you, it's always been you."

Shinso's eyes widened. "Wait, so... we're not breaking up?"

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