47. Third Match

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You were standing in between a bunch of pipes. Iida and Ojiro were also somewhere around the area, and Todoroki was on the ground. You were able to see everyone on the other team from your spots.

Once Todoroki hit them with his big attack you'd all pounce, taking them by surprise.

You felt a significant temperature drop and watched as the ground got covered in ice.

Here we go!

You were about to jump down but Iida already did, and he began to sink into the ground.

Honenuki. He must've softened the ground.

Iida seemed to really be trapped.

I better wait.

You heard the noise of a drill behind you and you managed to duck right before Kaibara could punch you.

"Enjoying the show?" He asked as he went to hit you again. "Were you just waiting to see if your teammates would do all the work? I know you don't want to be in the hero course."

You rolled your eyes as you stepped back and weaved between the pipes. "Actually I was waiting so I could fight someone with a useful quirk. Seriously, how'd you even get into the hero course with this quirk?"

"What?!" He sounded offended. "It's incredibly useful!"

No way could this ever be useful.

He held up his hand and stopped rotating it. "Especially with my support items!"

You could see that his fingers were covered in some sort of metal.

His hand started gyrating again as he went to grab you.

"Yeah, I wouldn't even bother trying that quirk." You glanced over at Tetsutetsu who was still stuck in the softened ice and activated your quirk. "But this seems like the perfect defense against it!"

You let his hand hit you. It didn't hurt at all since your body had been completely covered in steel. But it did make a harsh noise of metal scraping against metal.

"You're just a weaker Monoma." He said as he kept failing to jab you. "You can copy someone's quirk for just two minutes? He can do it for 5! And he can copy 3 at a time!"

"Ew" A look of disgust shown on your face. "Don't compare me to that psycho, I think I'm way prettier than him, and, I've never drawn a blank. Also, what makes you think I can only copy one quirk?"

His mouth dropped a bit. "You're bluffing! You can only do one!"

You smirked. "Whatever you say."

"Ojiro!" You called as you ducked under his next punch and touched the ground beneath you with both hands.

You switched to Honenuki's quirk and sank into the ground, hardening the surface back up so that Ojiro could take your place and fight against Kaibara. After all, Ojiro is much better at close combat than you.

Of course you made the mistake of opening your eyes. You quickly closed them again and started swimming through the ground, as weird as that sounds.

I saw Pony send Tetsutetsu towards Shoto. Iida got trapped in the ground by Honenuki, but I think he can get out of that using his new move. Should I fight Pony? Or should I find Shoto and help him?

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