54. My Girls

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"Hmm" Eri hummed as she stroked her chin. "What can we do?"

"We only have about 15 minutes until Aizawa gets back" You said. "So, there's not really much we can do besides just go to bed"

Eri nodded her head. "Well then-" She started to run off around the apartment. "You have to catch me first!"

You nudged Shinso with your elbow. "Catch her!" You exclaimed in the same playful tone that she used.

Shinso gave you an uninterested look. "You don't want to run, do you?"

You shook your head. "Nope. I'll be in her bedroom, she gets a bedtime story every night so I'll set that up while you catch her."

Shinso sighed before running after Eri. "I'm gonna get you!"

Eri squealed with delight as you slipped into her bedroom to get her story ready.

You looked around her room for a couple of minutes. It was simple, she had her bed in the center covered with a pink comforter. A small table with a couple chairs were set up towards the corner, crayons and papers were on the table. She had a nightstand with her current bedtime story on it as well as a lamp, and a bookshelf with more books on it against one wall. And then she had a pile of stuffed animals in another corner, along with a few more on her bed.

Wow. Dad really bought her all these?

You looked at the stuffed animals on her bed and recognized them as yours. They were ones that you hadn't touched in years, but seeing them in Eri's room kinda made you want them back- but you wouldn't actually say anything about it. You knew that you would never use them, and Eri definitely gets more joy out of them than you. It was just more of that jealously you had been feeling.

Just then you heard Eri laughing, it sounded like she was getting closer to the bedroom.

Shinso pushed the door open with his foot and walked in while holding Eri in his arms.

"I got you!" He exclaimed as he dropped her onto the bed.

She giggled a few more times before sitting up and scooting up to her pillows.

You sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at your old stuffed animals. "Hey Eri, how come these ones aren't in the pile?"

She followed your gaze to the stuffed animals that were on the bed and grabbed one of them, it was a stuffed lion.

"Aizawa said these ones are special!" She exclaimed as she held it up in the air. "He said I have to take extra good care of them, so I keep them on the bed with me!"

You nodded your head and then scooted up to sit next to her. "They're nice."

Shinso sat next to you and handed you the bedtime story from the nightstand.

You looped your arm through his and held onto his hand as you opened the book. Eri snuggled up next to you and leaned against your arm as you started reading out loud to her.

-Shinso's POV-

He wasn't sure how, but at some point you and Eri had both fell asleep and now he was stuck there. He was afraid of waking you both if he moved, but he was also afraid of Aizawa getting back and seeing that he wasn't on the couch.

So he held his breath and carefully pulled away from you. It was a bit difficult since your arm was looped with his and you were holding onto his hand, but after wiggling for a few seconds and falling onto the floor he was almost free.


Your arm was dangling off the bed and you hand was still holding onto his.

He carefully used his free hand to untwine your fingers from his until he could fully pull away.

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