19. Cat Nap

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You sat on Shinso's bed and watched as he pulled a duffel bag out of his closet.

"Is this bed clean?" You asked.

"No." He said jokingly. "Yes it's clean. Why?"

"I'm gonna lay down." You said.

You pulled back the covers and curled up in a ball before pulling them over you and resting your head on his pillow.

Shinso sighed. "Make yourself at home."

"I did." You answered. "This is a comfortable bed."

You closed your eyes and sighed.

"Are you taking your nap now?" Shinso asked. "You're supposed to be helping me pack."

"I'm just resting my eyes." You said with your eyes still closed. "Just bring some workout clothes, some everyday clothes, warm pajamas cause it might get cold at night, and wear comfortable clothes for the bus."

Shinso did what you said. He went around his dresser drawers, pulling out clothes and packing them into his bag.

"I should bring a couple of sweatshirts, right?" He asked.

You didn't answer and Shinso lifted his head to glance at you.

"And she's asleep." He said with a sigh. "I should bring those sweatshirts though..."

Shinso continued packing his bag, he put the sweatshirts in and then went to the bathroom to collect his toiletries.

But he forgot to close his bedroom door when he left, and Indigo decided to stroll in.

When Shinso came back into his room he saw that Indigo had curled up close to your stomach.

"Indigo!" He whispered. "Get away from her!"

The cat didn't move and Shinso groaned.

He put his toiletries into his bag and then walked over to the bed.

"She doesn't like you." He said.

But this is cute... He thought. One picture.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and stepped back to take a picture of you and Indigo.

He chuckled to himself as he looked at the picture. "Man, she would hate this."

Shinso put his phone back in his pocket and then picked Indigo up off the bed.

"Sorry bud" Shinso said while Indigo meowed sadly. "She doesn't like cats. I know, I know, it's a crime."

He carried Indigo out of his room and started walking down the stairs.

Shinso's dad was sitting on the couch So Shinso went over and sat next to him, placing Indigo down on the couch between them and petting him.

"Where's Y/n?" His dad asked.

"She fell asleep." Shinso said with a sigh. "Guess it was time for her nap."

Hajime chuckled. "She was serious about that?"

"I guess" Shinso shrugged. "She does talk about how tired she is all the time, and now that I think about it so is her dad, he walks around school holding a yellow sleeping bag."

"That's weird." Hajime said. "He sleeps on the job?"

Shinso shrugged. "I dunno, I'm not in his class."

Shinso's mom walked out of the kitchen and sat on the armrest nearest to her husband.

"Where's Y/n?" She asked after glancing around. "I put together a container of mac n cheese for her to bring home."

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