24. Marbles

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Aizawa had Dabi wrapped up in his scarf.

He wasn't going to let him go away, attacking his students like this, it was unforgivable.

"Hey Eraserhead." Dabi said as he looked back at him. "How do you think your daughter's doing?"

"Don't talk about my daughter." Aizawa said as he pulled the scarf towards him.

Aizawa's glowing eyes widened when the scarf slipped through Dabi's body as he turned to a grey mush.

"How about I go check on her for you?" Dabi asked with a smirk before he completely turned to goo.


"Y/n and Shinso were the group right behind us." Todoroki said to Bakugo. "We could go meet up with them."

"We're taking this guy down first!" Bakugo shouted as he raised his hands.

"No!" Todoroki shouted.

He pressed his right foot to the ground and created an ice barrier just as the villain attacked Bakugo, his teeth seemed to never stop growing.

"You can't use your explosions in the forest" Todoroki reminded him. "You might start a fire."

Bakugo groaned. "What a pain."

He jumped back just in time as the teeth guy broke through Todoroki's ice.

"Todoroki! Kacchan!"

Todoroki and Bakugo turned towards the direction where they just heard their names being called.

"Was that Midoriya?" Todoroki asked.

His question was answered when Shoji came running into view with a very injured Midoriya on his back.

"We need light!" Midoriya shouted.

Suddenly they saw what they were running from.

"Is that dark shadow?" Todoroki asked.

He started to raise his left hand, using his right to hold the student from class 1-b on his back.

Bakugo pushed his hand down. "Wait."

He watched as dark shadow easily crushed the teeth villain that they were having trouble with. Then he raised his own hand and allowed Todoroki to raise his left, together they created enough light to scare dark shadow, putting Tokoyami back in control.

"Thank you" Tokoyami panted. "I lost control, I have to work on that."

"Kacchan!" Midoriya suddenly said. "They're after you! We have to get you back to camp as soon as possible. And also, where is Y/n?"

"She's with Shinso" Todoroki said. "They're the group that came in the forest right after us."

Midoriya nodded. "They're after her too I think, I ran into Aizawa earlier, he told me to find her as fast as I can. I don't know their plan, so let's prioritize getting Y/n and Kacchan back to camp."

"In that case let's follow the trail we took here until he run into Y/n and Shinso" Todoroki said. "Bakugo, you walk inbetween me and Tokoyami so you don't get picked off. Once we find Y/n, we cut through the forest since it's the fastest way back to camp."

"Okay, sounds good." Midoriya said with a nod.

They all started walking through the forest.

"I can't imagine what they'd want with Y/n and Kacchan..." Midoriya mumbled. "I can't think of anything"

"Let's just find Y/n and bring her and Bakugo back." Todoroki said. "We can't let them get what they want."

After a few minutes of walking Shoji spoke up. "If
Y/n and Shinso were the group right behind you guys, shouldn't we have ran into them by now?"

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