21. Moms

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You and Todoroki both ordered your boba and then watched as it was being made.

"I know we haven't talked in a while" He said. "Let alone hang out, so I'm not sure if you know or not but when my mom got to the hospital they wouldn't let me visit her."

You were confused. "Why not? How are they allowed to decide that?"

"Well, she was in there for hurting me so I guess it made sense in their minds- even though I don't blame her and know she wouldn't do it again." He sighed. "But a while ago, they decided that I could visit. I didn't go at first because I was scared, but after the sports festival I started visiting her."

You put your hand on his shoulder. "That's good, Todoroki, how is she?"

He nodded. "She's definitely better. I visit her a few times a week now and can confidently say that, so I was wondering if you'd like to come visit her with me?"

"Now?" You asked.

He nodded his head.

"My dad might not like that..." You mumbled.

"I already told him" He said quickly. "Before we left, so don't worry about that."

"Oh, okay then" You smiled. "I'll be glad to"

By now your drinks were done being made so Todoroki grabbed both of them along with two straws and then handed you yours.

"The hospital's not too far from here" He said. "We can take the train"

You nodded and followed him out of the store.


After a short train ride and and even shorter walk, you found yourself standing outside of a hospital room.

"I haven't spoken to her about you yet in detail" Todoroki said before he opened the door. "So she may have a lot of questions."

You nodded.

Todoroki turned back to the door and pushed it open, poking his head in before opening it fully.

He smiled. "Hi mom, I brought someone"

His mom turned to look, and you thought she hadn't aged a bit. She still looked exactly the same as the last time you saw her, and that was 11 years ago when you were 5.

"Y/n" She recognized you instantly. "Look at you, you're all grown up"

You smiled and walked into the room after Todoroki. "Hi Rei, it's nice to see you"

"Oh, give me a hug" She said as she stood up from her chair.

She reached over to you and hugged you. "You were so small the last time I saw you! Always running around, getting into trouble! Do you still like trouble?"

You chuckled. "A bit, I tend to lay low nowadays."

She hummed as she pulled away from the hug and sat back down. "That might be for the best."

Todoroki pulled up two chairs and gestured for you to sit in one of them while he sat in the other.

You shrugged. "Probably."

"So what are you up to?" She asked once you were all settled. "How's your mother and father? Your mother used to send me letters but that was a long time ago, she stopped after a while."

Todoroki glanced at you but you waved him off so he knew you were okay.

"Well, my father's good. Still working every night and now he teaches at U.A" You said.

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