65. Accident

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After getting checked out by the doctors, they told you that your eyes had permanent damage that not even glasses could help with. They said that they could perform a surgery, but it won't restore your eyesight to what it had been- turns out the doctor at Jaku had removed a part of your eyes and given it to the nomu, so it could never be 100% and your eyes would stay grey. After that you were discharged to think it over. And now it was your first day back at the dorms- except your dad wanted you to stay with him and Eri the first few days, just to make sure you were okay. Aizawa had been fitted for a prosthetic leg, and he was adjusting to it well.

You were asleep right now on the couch, taking one of your naps. While Aizawa was talking with Shinso and Eri played with her dolls, they were all sitting in Eri's room so that they wouldn't disturb you.

Aizawa sat on the foot of Eri's bed, watching her wave her doll around.

"I don't want them to mess up her eyesight more." Aizawa said. "I know it's a slim chance that they would... but still."

Shinso pointed at Eri, not wanting to say her name to draw her attention. "She helped Mirio" He whispered. "So... can't she fix her eyes?"

Aizawa sighed. "She's been better... But I'm nervous about letting her try to fix Y/n" He whispered back.

Eri turned her head to look at them. "What are you guys whispering about?" She asked with narrowed eyes.

"How has your quirk been?" Aizawa asked softly.

She smiled. "Better now that Y/n's back! I'm not worried all the time so it's easier to control!"

Aizawa smiled at her.

It was true, Eri did seem a lot calmer now that you were back. As soon as you walked through the door she hugged you and wouldn't let go for at least five minutes, and even then Shinso had to pull her off you. And when she found out you'd be staying there for the next few days, she was ecstatic.

Eri dropped her doll into her lap and looked down. "I'm just upset that Y/n's eyes are bad. I want to help her, I think I can. I helped Mirio! I can help Y/n!"

She looked back up at Aizawa with a hopeful look on her face.

"I can help her!" She exclaimed.

Aizawa's smiled faltered a bit. "Not yet. First we might have the doctors help her."

Eri jumped to her feet. "But you said the doctors couldn't totally help her. I can! I can rewind it back to before her eyes were bad!"

Aizawa shook his head. "Sorry, but not yet. Maybe in a little while."

Eri raised an eyebrow. "How long is a little while?"

Aizawa sighed and looked away from her.

Eri pointed a finger at him. "By 'a little while' you meant never!"

She ran out of her room and over to the lining room. "I'm gonna check on Y/n" She grumbled.

Aizawa looked at Shinso and sighed again. "Am I that readable?"

Shinso shrugged.

Eri ran over to the couch and peeked over the arm rest to see you. She was looking at your head, so to her you were upside down.

"I can fix her..." Eri grumbled as she reached a hand towards your eyes.

Aizawa and Shinso jumped when they heard a loud slap followed by a high pitched yelp.

"Oh my god!" Your panicked voice came from the living room. "I'm so sorry, Eri! I didn't mean to!"

Then they heard Eri start crying.

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