38. Heroes

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-Here's how it would go when Y/n interacts with other pro heroes. (she's familiar with them because Aizawa has worked with them before)-

-Hawks (this is the longest one cuz i luv Hawks, and takes place a bit before the Eri rescue)-

You were walking behind your dad and Shinso. Your dad wanted to take you both patrolling- even though Shinso didn't have a hero license so he couldn't really use his quirk on anyone if he had to, he was really there just so he could watch and learn.

Of course it was nighttime. That's always when your dad patrols. And you were so tired.

You groaned loudly. "Can we go home now? It's so late."

"No" Your dad said without turning around to look at you. "We'll stay out a while more."

You groaned again and ran a hand through your hair. "But I'm t-"

When you suddenly stopped talking Shinso turned around.

"Y/n?" Shinso asked.

Aizawa turned around. "Did she just disappear?"

Shinso looked around and nodded. "Yes?"


"But I'm t-"

In the middle of your sentence a hand suddenly covered your mouth and you were lifted into the air, watching the ground get further and further away.

You bit the hand that was covering your mouth.


The person took their hand off your mouth and moved it under your other arm to hold you up.

"That hurt, Y/n."

You recognized that voice.

"Hawks?!" You shouted.

He chuckled. "When'd we get so formal?"

"Keigo!" You kicked your legs. "You're dangling me!"

"Aw, it hurts me that you think I'd drop you" He said with fake disappointment.

He swung you a bit so that he could move one arm under your knees and kept his other arm around your back (he's holding you bridal style).

"There" He said as he glanced down at your face. "Now you're not dangling."

You wrapped your arms around his neck and clutched onto the collar of his jacket.

"Oh my god" You whispered while shutting your eyes and turning your face towards his neck. "Put me down"

"But you used to love this!" He said. "When you were 11 you'd beg me to take you for a joyfly!" (get it joyride? joyfly?)

"You never flew up this high!" You argued.

Hawks laughed. "But isn't the view so much better from up here?" He nudged your head with his shoulder. "Come on, look."

You opened your eyes and looked down at the buildings below you. Since it was nighttime the streets were lit up with lights as well as the buildings.

"Okay" You took a big breath of air. "It's nice."

You looked at Hawks. "But my dad is probably having a heart attack right now."

He laughed. "Yeah I know, that's why I took you!" He pointed down as he slightly lowered. "Look at them! I dunno who the purple kid is- but look at them! They're looking down every alleyway!"

You looked down and he was right, Shinso and Aizawa were in fact looking everywhere for you. They looked like ants from your view, but you could still see them frantically running around.

Tired | ShinsoxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now