40. Stitches

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You woke up in your bed, which was weird because you remembered falling asleep on the couch. You sighed as you looked up at the ceiling, remembering your thoughts from the other day- about if your dad loved you or not. You rubbed your eyes and pushed the thoughts out of your mind as you rolled over.

You smiled when you saw Shinso laying next to you.

He was laying on his stomach and had his head turned towards you, he also had his arm draped over your waist. He was shirtless again and just wore a pair of grey sweatpants.

You were in the clothes you were wearing yesterday, Shinso probably didn't know if it was okay for him to change your clothes for you or not. But that was okay, they were comfortable clothes. A simple black t-shirt and a pair of athletic shorts.

You moved closer to him and brushed your nose against his.

He's so cute.

You kissed the tip of his nose and watched as his lips turned up into a small smile, you then kissed his lips.

"Hitoshiiii" You whispered.

You didn't whisper loud enough to wake him, you didn't want to. You just wanted to say his name.

You lightly rubbed his forearm that was draped over your waist.

He's sleeping, it's a miracle.

You reached a hand up and gently ran your fingers through his hair.

His hair always reminds me of the truffula trees from The Lorax. I wonder if they'd be this soft.

You sighed as you moved your hand down to his face and lightly traced his features with the tip of your index finger.

So pretty.

You moved your face closer to his and kissed his lips again before nuzzling your face against his.

I like the way his hair smells. He smells good.

You brought your hand to his back and started tracing his muscles.

He's really been training hard.

You felt his thumb brush against your hip bone and you looked over at his face to see that he was already looking at you. You felt your face heat up from embarrassment, as if you had been caught in the act.

"Morning" He said in a gravelly voice that was much lower than usual because he had just woken up.

"Did I wake you?" You asked with a bit of concern in your voice.

He nodded. "But it's okay, I slept enough."

You still felt bad as you bit the inside of your cheek and kept tracing his back muscles. "Sorry"

He moved closer to you and kissed your forehead. "It's okay, don't worry."

You hummed and went for another kiss on the lips that he gladly allowed.

"That one wasn't good enough" You said as you kissed him again.

"Wait-" You kissed him again.

You hummed as you leaned in again. "One more time..."

By the time you stopped kissing him his face was completely red. You laughed at him.

"You're so easy to fluster!" You said, still keeping ing your voice down in case other people in the dorm were still asleep.

He pouted. "No I'm not. It's just cause... It's the morning..."

"So?" You asked. What could the morning have to do with this.

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