17. Mac N Cheese

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You walked over to your seat next to Shinso and sighed as you sat down.

"Hi" Shinso greeted.

"Hi" You said with another sigh.

"I saw your hero course final, you were so cool." He said. "Hard to believe you don't wanna be a hero when you did that good, and you seemed so excited when you passed."


You were confused.

"How'd you see my final?" You asked.

"They're on the school website." Shinso explained. "Of course the whole school would want to watch them."

You rolled your eyes. "Of course."

"So are you going to the training camp?" Shinso asked. "Ya know, the one that the hero classes are going on?"

You groaned. "I don't want to."

Shinso stared at your grumpy face for a moment. "Are they making you?"

You nodded.

"Hey, maybe it'll be fun!" He said to try to make you feel better.

"Hey!" You said to match with tone. "Maybe it's called a training camp for a reason, and it's going to be miserable because I don't want to train."

Shinso frowned. "Well you don't have to say it like that." He mumbled. "I'd kill to go on that trip, it's not fair."

"Want my spot?" You asked.

"I don't think that's how it works." He said with a sigh. "But yes..."

You sat up a bit as the teacher walked in. "I'll see what I can do."


You were sitting on the couch when your dad got home.

"Did you pack?" He asked.

You shook your head. "Question: can Shinso go on the trip instead of me?"

"Uh, no" Aizawa answered. "It's for hero course students only."

"But you understand that the entrance exam was unfair" You pointed out. "So you should let him take my spot."

Aizawa shook his head. "No, you're going."

You groaned. "Fine, but Shinso really wants to go since he thinks it'll be a great learning opportunity for him. So I'll go if you let Shinso go."

He shook his head again. "No, Shinso isn't in the hero course so he can't go."

"Okay, I'll go and won't complain about it every second of every day if you let Shinso go." You compromised.

Aizawa thought about it for a second.

"Fine." He said with a sigh. "But tell Shinso it's a training camp, not anything for fun."

"I already told him." You said. "And he still wants to go for some reason."

"And if you complain even after I let Shinso go, I'm turning off your wifi." Aizawa said as he crossed his arms.

You rolled your eyes. "Fine. But turning off my wifi is a dumb punishment."

"But it works" He said with a shrug.

You groaned again as you stood up and went to your room.

Well, at least Shinso will be happy.

You pulled your phone out of your jean's pocket and clicked Shinso's contact to call him.

"Y/n?" He asked when he picked up. "I didn't expect you to call me."

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