63. Waking Up

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This one is going to start in the other hospital, after the big war ya know. So the pros saved   Y/n and some villains were arrested while others got away. Ya know? Ya know?


A few days had passed since everything went down at the hospital and the villa.

Some students from class 1-a were visiting Todoroki in his hospital room, while the rest were visiting Bakugo.

"You heard they saved Y/n, right?" Yaoyorozu asked with a small comforting smile.

Todoroki nodded his head.

His throat was still burned, and he wasn't really supposed to be talking, but...

"H-How is she?" He asked in a hoarse voice.

Ashido looked at the ground. "Well... She's okay... But...-"


Shinso was sitting next to your hospital bed, holding onto your hand and playing with your fingers.

You hadn't woke up yet. Everyone else had except for Midoriya.

There was an IV drip going into your arm, and a bunch of other machines connected to you through needles and wires to track your health.

The doctors weren't exactly sure why you wouldn't wake up. Everything seemed fine with you, except for the fact that you were extremely malnourished, but it shouldn't have this effect on you.

The door slid open and a doctor stepped in.

"Excuse me sir, but we have to run some more tests." The doctor said nicely. "If you could please step out, it might be a while"

Shinso sighed before standing up and letting go of your hand.

"Okay..." He mumbled as he left the room.

Your fingers twitched as they fell back onto the mattress.

Shinso walked over to Aizawa's room just like he did all the other times they asked him to leave your room.

"Did anything change?" Aizawa asked.

Each time he would ask. And each time Shinso had to shake his head and watch Aizawa's face drop.

Just then a loud alarm rang through the loud speakers of the hospital.

"We have a code white." It announced. "Please do not panic, the situation is being taken care of. Everyone please remain calm."

"What's a code white?" Shinso asked.

"Means a violent situation." Yamada answered. "Probably a patient having an outburst."

Shinso nodded as he sunk into his seat.

The three of them sat in silence for a few more minutes- until they heard shouting coming from the hallway.

"Doesn't sound like they're handling it." Shinso muttered.

Yamada shrugged. "Some patients don't want to be here. Someone might be trying to leave."

The alarm rang over the loud speaker again.

"Code white, code white." It said a bit more frantically. "All security please respond, and we've got a burned doctor in room 305. Everyone please stay where you are, if you're in a hallway go into the nearest room."

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