15. Stuck

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Mihoko waited outside your house until you got inside to drive away.

"She's cute!" She said to Shinso as he climbed into the passenger seat and buckled up.

"Oh my god" He said as he put his elbow on the armrest and rested his chin on his hand. "Why were you acting like that infront of her?"

"Like what?" She asked.

Shinso blinked at her. "You asked her why she was wearing my clothes, and then you said 'friend' all weird, and you asked her about the hero course- she doesn't like those questions."

"How am I supposed to know that?" She asked. She shook her head. "Anyways, she's cute isn't she? And aren't you training with her dad? That's where you got that weird scarf thing that you've been playing with lately."

"Her dad gave me the sca- it's a capture weapon." He corrected. "He said that I'd be able to be a hero, even with my quirk."

"That's good!" Mihoko said. "But you didn't answer my first question."

She glanced at him from the corner of her eye.

Shinso turned away from her. "Leave me alone." she said quietly.

Mihoko's face lit up. "Ahhhh! You got a crush! I'm telling your father!"

"No!" Shinso shouted. "Stop it! I didn't say that!"

Mihoko giggled. "When I walked in the house and I saw you carrying her around like that, I was like 'What the- Hitoshi has a girlfriend?'"

Shinso shook his head and covered his ears with his hands as he squeezed his eyes shut. "She's just scared of cats! Indigo kept rubbing against her and she freaked out so she jumped on me! She- she did that the other time she came over too, she's just really scared of cats"

"The other time she came over?" Mihoko asked. "When was this? I wasn't aware"

Fuck. Shinso thought.

"She came over because we had to do a project" He explained quickly.

"Oooohhhhh a project." She said. "And how did that go?"

"The project was fine but then I kinda shoved Indigo in her face and she cried, sooo... not good." He said. "I had to buy her boba so she'd forgive me."

"A date?!" Mihoko shouted.

Shinso shook his head. Why am I exposing myself?

"No! No!" He said frantically. "It wasn't a date! It was just apology boba!"

"You're totally blushing." Mihoko said. "I'm telling your father."

"I am not!" Shinso argued.


"Where have you been?" Your dad asked when you got inside. "It's storming ya know"

You took off your rain coat and rain boots. "Really?" You asked sarcastically. "I was helping a friend."

"Which friend?" He asked.


"What did he need help with?"

"He lost his cat."

"I thought you don't like cats?"

"I don't."

Aizawa hummed. "Okay." He glanced over at you from the kitchen. "Nice outfit. Looks comfy."

You rolled your eyes. "Leave me alone."

You went upstairs and into your room. You sighed as you shut the door then crawled onto your bed.

And finally, I get to sleep.

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