50. Swings

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You didn't bother grabbing a coat before you walked outside, which would probably come back to bit you later, it was pretty cold. But you could ignore the cold for now.

You wiped at your eyes and nose as you walked to the park that you had visited the last time you were upset. You were the only one there though since it was so cold.

You sat on one of the empty swings and sighed as you looked up at the sky.

"I never imagined that we'd fight like that" You said quietly to yourself.

Of course you had heard that all couple's have arguments and fights over stuff, but you couldn't imagine you and Shinso ever yelling at each other. Yet that was what just happened.

But you also couldn't imagine him being right about Todoroki loving you.

You shook your head. "No way"

Just then you heard a noise. You turned to where it came from and saw a bush rustling.

It's not windy, so what the fuck is that? An animal?

As soon as you looked at the bush it stopped and everything went silent again.


You stood up from the swing and started walking over to the bush.

A few different scenarios played through your head. Maybe it was an animal and you were just paranoid, maybe it was a kid who got lost during a game of hide and seek, or maybe it was a pervert trying to kidnap you.

Maybe I'll get to beat a bitch up...

As you got to the bush you took a deep breath before throwing your arms out and parting the branches.

There was nothing there.

Huh. How odd, I could've sworn-

A hand came down on your shoulder and you quickly turned and punched without even looking to see who it was.

"Get back, perv!" You shouted as you turned.

The person caught your fist just before it hit them.

"Wow" Todoroki said. "You think I'm a perv?"

"Shoto!" You retreated your arm and looked back at the bush. "How'd you get from the bush to behind me without me seeing you?"

"I wasn't in the bush." He said. "Why would I be in the bush?"

You shrugged. "It just sounded- ya know what nevermind. And for the record, I don't think you are a perv, you just scared me."

You turned back from the bush and looked up at him. "So what're you doing here?"

You looked up into his two-toned that were looking down at you.

Hitoshi has to be wrong. He's just a friend. Of course he doesn't love me.

"I just wanted to talk to you, I kinda overheard you and Shinso after our match today." He nodded towards the swings and then started walking towards them. "And then you guys were kinda loud at the dorms today..."

"Oh" You chewed on the inside of your cheek as you followed him to the swings and sat down on the one next to him. "Sorry about that."

"It's okay" He said softly.

You rubbed the back of your neck. "Hitoshi's just a bit jealous of us for some reason... I told him there's nothing to worry about because we're just friends, but he doesn't seem to believe that no matter what I say"

"He probably doesn't believe it because I don't want to be just friends." Todoroki said calmly.

"Yeah-" Pause. "Wait, what?"

You shook your head and stared at him. "What did you just say?"

"I don't want to be just friends." He repeated. "I want to be more than that."

You blinked at him, trying to process everything.

So... Hitoshi wasn't just acting jealous for no reason.

"And he wasn't lying." Todoroki continued. "I told him that I love you."

How was this happening? And how was Todoroki acting so damn calm?!

You dragged your hands up your forehead and into your hair.

"Oh no" You muttered. You started shaking your head. "I was wrong- He told me and I said he was lying- Oh my god he has to hate me"

You closed your eyes and sighed. "Shoto, I- I'm sorry-"

"Yeah..." He said quietly. "I figured this would happen."

You turned to him and saw that he was still looking straight ahead. "I'm sorry, Shoto. I just don't feel the same. I love Hitoshi."

"I know" He turned to you and smiled. "I just had to tell you, since I heard you and Shinso arguing. I don't want to break you guys up like that."

Like that?

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"I would've been okay with breaking you guys up if you felt the same." He said honestly. "But for it to happen like this, when I know that you love him and you don't feel the same for me, it wouldn't be right, it wouldn't make you happy."

Can't tell if this is backhanded or not... But I think he's being nice. 

"I'm sorry" You said again, you didn't know what else to say.

"It's okay, I'll be okay." He said. "As long as your happy, I'm fine with whatever happens."

Definitely nice.

"Thank you" You said quietly.

You stood up off your swing at the same time as him.

"Thank you for telling me this" You said as you hugged him.

"You're welcome." He sighed. "I guess our friendship is ruined now..."

You shook your head against his shoulder. "No it's not. We're still friends, if you're okay with that."

He nodded. "I can live with that."

You stayed there for a while longer, just hugging him. You could tell that he had heated himself up with his left side, he also wasn't wearing a coat so he probably had to resort to that.

"Are you cold?" He asked.

You nodded.

"Are you going to come back to the dorms now?" He asked.

You shook your head. "I wanna stay out here a bit longer... I just gotta think..."

Todoroki could understand that you wanted to be alone, so he pulled away from the hug and gave you a small smile. "I hope you and Shinso get past this"

You sat back on your swing and nodded. "Me too."

He started to leave the park. "See you later?"

"See ya" You called.

You rubbed your neck and sighed.

"I have to apologize to Shinso" You mumbled to yourself.


this isn't proof read

can't decide if i like this or not

imma catch up to the manga soon cuz i know how i want this book to end (there's still a bunch of chapters to go) but i have to fit my ending with what the manga is up to

okie goodbye


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