7. Boba

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Shinso waited nervously for you to show up. He still felt bad about yesterday, and got to class early to apologize to you again.

What if she's in 1-a right now? Or what if she's not coming to school today? He thought. What if... What if she's avoiding me?

Just as he considered the possibility that you were avoiding him, you walked into the room. You weren't walking as stiffly as you were yesterday, and you quickly made it to your seat just a few minutes late.

"Y/n, I'm sorry about yesterday." He said as soon as you sat down and went to pull out your binder and pencil case. "I shouldn't have done that, I didn't realize you were actually that scared."

You narrowed your eyes at him. "I said to never speak of it." You said almost in a whisper.

"Oh" Shinso lowered his voice. "Sorry, also are you okay? You were a bit late."

"I'm fine." You pulled out some papers from your binder and held them out to him. "I had to see Recovery Girl to fix the last of my injuries."

He nodded his head in understanding and then looked at the papers. "What is this?" He asked as he took them from you.

"I finished the project." You looked up ahead at the teacher at the front of the room.

"Oh, so you're not coming over today to finish it?" He asked.

You gave him a look that said, 'That was a dumb question'. "I just said I finished it, so why would I come over to finish it again?"

Shinso looked away and put the papers in his folder. "Yeah... yeah... you're right."

You looked ahead and started doing your classwork.

"Are you okay?" Shinso asked again.

"You already asked me that." You answered without taking your pen off your paper.

Shinso shook his head. "No, I meant, like, with me. Are you mad at me?"

You paused before answering. "No."

"No what?" He asked. "No you're not okay with me or no you're not mad at me?"

"Just no." You answered again.

Shinso couldn't believe this, his head was trying to wrap around what you meant. "But what does that mea-"

"Shinso" The teacher called. "Please quiet down and pay attention."

"Sorry." Shinso cleared his throat as he took out his notebook and got to work.


You didn't see Shinso at lunch, not that it mattered to you, you were fine with eating by yourself. Besides, you were upset with him. You knew it was a stupid thing to be afraid of, but you can't help what scares you. And the fact that he had just climbed right on top of you and practically pinned you down made you even more upset than the cat thing. But what was even worse than that was when he made you apologize to the cat, that really humiliated you.

Once school ended you walked outside just to be stopped by Shinso who had ran to catch up to you.

He put his hands on his knees and panted a bit as he caught his breath.

"No take your time" You said sarcastically. "I have all day."

"You- have no mercy" He panted inbetween breaths. He stood up straight and let out one last big exhale before talking normally. "Will you come to get boba with me, and as we get boba, I will apologize until you are okay."

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