72. Random Stuff

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Here's some stuff I never published for this book, after this imma publish another one from the timeskip so yippee!


-The 'would you date me if I was a worm' trend-


would u date me if i was
a worm

💜Intolerable Troll💜

is this that tiktok thing?



💜Intolerable Troll💜

i'd date u if u were anything



💜Intolerable Troll💜

would u date me if i
were a worm?


fuck no that's disgusting

💜Intolerable Troll💜

i love you too

-Shinso would be the type to take a video of you while you're sleeping and just post it anywhere he could because he wants to show you off- (to the sound that's like 'she looks just like a dream, the prettiest girl i've ever seen')

You walked into his dorm room with an annoyed look on your face.

"What?" He asked from where he was laying on his bed.

You marched over and showed him your phone, a tiktok he had posted the other day was playing over and over (using the sound mentioned above of course).

He smiled as he watched it. "What?" He asked again. "It's true."

"I'm literally drooling." You said.

"But you're so pretty" He said as he looked up at you.

You weren't having it. "Over 300 people on the internet saw me drooling- not to mention my face is smushed against my pillow and my hair is absolutely everywhere."

He wrapped his arms around your waist and looked up at you, pressing his chin against your torso. "But you're so pretty."

"I don't like you" You mumbled as you let him pull you onto the bed.

"I love youuu" He dragged out as he kissed your cheek.

You frowned at him.

"I said I love you" He said as he kissed your forehead.

He kissed your nose next. "You have to say it back."

You rolled your eyes. "Fine. I love you too."

"Yayyy" He said quietly as he softly kissed your lips.

You closed your eyes and sighed.

"Are you gonna take a nap?" He asked.

You nodded your head and made yourself comfortable, laying your head in his chest and putting your leg over him, wrapped your arms around his torso so that he wouldn't be able to leave you.

"And if you take any pictures or videos, fine." You said with your eyes still closed. "But if I see that you post them anywhere, I'm gonna kill you."

"Sounds like something you'd do" He kissed the top of your head. "Goodnight."

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