5. Project

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The next day you walked into classroom 1-c with a distinct frown on your face, you were also walking stiffly to avoid hurting your already sore torso.

"Why are you walking like that?" Shinso asked as you arrived at your seat.

"I'm hurt" You responded with a slightly raspy voice.

His eyes widened a bit. "From the USJ attack?" He raised his eyebrows. "You were there?"

You nodded and lifted your shirt a bit to show him
the bandages wrapped around your torso. "Fucking bird-thing grabbed me. Recovery Girl had to heal three of my cracked ribs- and it still hurts!"

Shinso watched as your face scrunched up out of pain as you sat in your seat and pulled out your binder.

"So shouldn't you have stayed home?" He asked.

"No." You shook your head and looked up at the door as Todoroki walked in. "I can stay in this class now, he won't grab me while I'm injured like this."

Todoroki came over to you and just looked down at you, he sighed when you didn't move. "You already know what I'm gonna say."

You crossed your arms and shook your head. "Nope. Not going."

"But Aizawa-" Todoroki started.

"He showed up?!" You asked a bit louder than necessary.

Todoroki gave a small nod to confirm.

"I told him not to! He doesn't listen to anything I say!" You threw your hands up in the air.

He shrugged. "He looks awful but he doesn't show that he's in any pain."

You scoffed. "Of course not." You looked down at your binder. "Well I'm not going. And I know you're not gonna grab me this time, so goodbye."

He blinked at you for a few seconds, waiting to see if you were serious, once he realized that you meant it he turned towards the door. "Oh, Aizawa said he wants you to try in the sports festival."

"Tell him to forget it, I'm not doing that." You said.

Todoroki sighed one last time as he left the classroom.

"You're not doing the sports festival?" Shinso asked once Todoroki had left.

You shook your head. "No reason to, plus-" You gestured towards your torso. "This whole USJ incident makes me despise being a hero even more. So no, not a chance."

"Oh yeah, are you okay?" He asked. "If Recovery Girl wasn't able to fully heal you then that must've been some injury."

"It's fine, I'm just supposed to be taking it easy." You rolled your eyes. "Which is what I want to do everyday."

The teacher walked into the room. "Settle down class!" They hushed everyone. "I would like to announce our first project that you will all be doing, it will be a group project that will not be completed during class time."

They went on to explain the project and once they finished, your hand shot up.

"Yes y/n" The teacher called on you.

"Can I work by myself?" You asked hopefully.

They shook their head. "Groups have to be at least two people."


Everyone immediately started talking to each other about who they wanted to work with, some getting out of their seats and going across the room.

You looked around at all your classmates before slowly turning to Shinso.

"It took you that long to look at me." He said with his lips pressed into a flat line.

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