45. Joint Training

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"Someone will be joining us for this exercise" Aizawa said.

Class 1-a and 1-b were all standing on the observation deck, everyone had on their hero suits including you.

You watched Shinso walk up onto the observation deck. He was wearing his gym uniform and his scarf.

You raised an eyebrow at him and then looked back at your dad.

"Shinso is looking to join the hero course." Aizawa explained. "Just because he is in general studies doesn't mean that you should go easy on him. He's been training and he deserves to see what the hero course is really like."

Once your dad finished his little speech, you walked up to Shinso and poked his chest.

"You didn't tell me that you'd be joining us today" You said with your eyebrows raised. "Ready to get your ass kicked by your girlfriend?"

"I don't think I'd get my ass kicked." He said. "I think I'd be able to do the ass kicking though."

You narrowed your eyes. "What're you implying?"

He shrugged. "I suppose I'm saying that I could kick your ass."

You smiled at him. "Okay... We'll see tough guy..."

He nodded his head as he smiled back. "We will see."

"Everyone!" Vlad called. "Time to pick teams!"

Everyone in classes a and b choose teams, you ended up on team number 3.

"And now Shinso will pick two teams." Vlad said. "He'll fight twice, once with class a and once with class b."

Shinso picked his teams and got 1 and 5.

"Aw I don't get to kick your ass!" You whined.

"You mean I don't get to kick yours." He said back.

You rolled your eyes. "Whatever. Just know that I'm gonna watch your matches very closely and if you don't win then I'll kick your ass."

Shinso furrowed his brows. "Wait a minute, now are you just looking for an excuse to beat me up?"

You playfully pushed him away from you when you realized he was joking. "Get out of here."

He started laughing as he walked over to his first team.

But seriously. He better win.


You turned around to see Todoroki.

"Hi Shoto" You waved.

He held up a ball with the number three on it, it was the same as yours.

"We're on the same team." He said with a smile.

A smile grew onto your face.

We got this shit in the bag.


Shinso along with Kaminari, Asui, Koda, and Kirishima were up first. Shinso was wearing a mask that you had never seen before.

You were watching as you sat with your team that consisted of you, Todoroki, Ojiro, and Iida.

Shinso was trapped in an air box by Tsuburaba after Shishida had thrown Kirishima over to Shiozaki.

"He was too slow!" You exclaimed. "If he shot the scarf out faster then he wouldn't be trapped!"

"Tell me again why you won't use the scarf? Y/n." Aizawa said as he stopped walking in front of you.

Because I forgot how, but no way am I saying that.

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