66. I love you Part Two

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I added something to the end of the previous chapter because it fits better there, so if u want to see that then go ahead. 4:07 1/27/22 So if u read it after that it's already there so ur fine.


You were on a walk with Shinso going around the dorms. In order to get the surgery done, the doctors said you'd have to regain some strength to go under anesthesia. So walks became a common occurrence. You had also been staying in the faculty dorms since it made your dad less worrisome.

It was already April, and you had actually gotten a bit used to your messed up vision. Even though you couldn't see well, you were able to get by with a bit of help from Shinso, your dad, and Eri.

You knew that you were walking up to a curb- since you had walked the same loop so many times.

You reached your hand out and grabbed onto Shinso's, he always reached out for you when you were coming up to something that you could potentially stumble on.

"Y/n! Shinso!"

You turned towards the familiar voices.

You could hear multiple people coming towards you, and you knew it was class 1-a.

"Y/n!" Uraraka said. "We haven't seen you in forever! How are you?"

You gave her a small smile. "I've been better, but I'm fine"

You saw something start waving in front of your face.

"Kaminari!" Jiro scolded through gritted teeth.

"What?" He asked. "It's not like- Ah!"

He screeched when you suddenly grabbed his hand that he was waving in front of your eyes.

"You can see?!" He asked completely shocked.

You chuckled. "I'm not blind, Kaminari."

He gasped. "How'd you know it was me?! I was told your eyes got messed up and you couldn't see anything!"

"Jiro just said your name?" Shinso mumbled.

Kaminari scratched the back of his head with the hand that you weren't holding and nervously chuckled. "Oh right..."

"That-" You said. "And! I can tell who you are from your hair. You're just a big blob of yellow. Just like Shinso's a big blob of purple!"

You let go of Kaminari's hand and he nodded as he 'ooohhhed'.

Mineta jumped up and down to get your attention and you tilted your head down to face him.

"We heard you got some awesome new quirks!" He exclaimed. "Tell us about them! Tell us about them!"

"They aren't new quirks" You said. "My quirk was just enhanced by that doctor guy."

"Well tell us about it!" Mineta whined. "What cool things can you do?"

"Um..." You looked ahead towards everyone. "Well I haven't used my quirk since the hospital- I'm sure you heard about that incident so I won't get into it too much. But-"

You took a deep breath and thought over everything that happened.

"When I woke up I thought I was at Jaku hospital still and I didn't think I would wake up again so I tried to escape. I opened my eyes and couldn't see anything, but I could hear that someone was in the room. I thought to myself, 'I wish I had a quirk that didn't rely on someone else' and then I thought of you guys and some of the great quirks you had- Shoto and Bakugo's stood out most since they're big offensive ones."

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