stand user (2)

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You grip your lunch box in your hands as you walk out towards the courtyard. It was finally lunch time, and you were starving.

You walk around outside looking for a place to sit when you suddenly see Jotaro sitting near the fence under a tree. He was all by himself, and you couldn't help but watch him from a distance.

You sit at an empty bench and watch him. You kind of feel bad that he's alone sitting on the grass. But maybe he chose to sit there because he likes the ground?

You open your lunch box and begin to eat. You decide you want to listen in on him to see if he's talking to himself or something. You begin to use your power and use all of it in the general direction of where Jotaro is sitting. You chew quietly and begin to listen for anything.

It's mostly quiet. Just sounds of a pencil and closed mouthed chewing.

So he really doesn't talk to himself, huh? Then who does he talk to? Nobody?

You continue to listen for about 30 seconds when suddenly you are shoved over. You fall back onto the ground, off the bench. You look up at see Trina and her friends back at it.

"How's your eggroll, y/n? I could smell it rotting from across the school." She smirks and her friends laugh. She crosses her arms and places her foot on your stomach.

You furrow your eyebrows and breathe a little heavy.

"Aww, she's mad guys..." Trina pouts. She stomps down on your stomach, making you gasp slightly.

She leans over and points at you, but not too closely this time.

"Whatever the fuck you did to me that made my ear drums vibrate last time I saw you, how about you stop that creepy witch voodoo shit you do... It makes you more unlikable." She squints down at you.

"Voodoo shit?" You chuckle a little bit.

"I didn't do anything, so how about you stop thinking so highly of me, sweet-pea." You say in a sarcastic nice voice.

She stomps down on you again, but harder. You gasp and roll on your side, holding your stomach.

You hear some shuffling behind you and then some female gasps. Trina takes a step back.

"J-Jojo..." You hear Trina stutter. You squint and roll on your back and look up, seeing Jotaro standing near your head, starring at the girls. He stays quiet and then looks down at you. You gulp and widen your eyes a bit, looking up at him. You see his eyes, but they are dark and shadowed.

He slowly kneels down and brings his large hands under your arms. You gulp as he helps you sit up. You take a breath and exhale. You hear his footsteps begin to walk away.

"Wait, Jojo!-" Trina and the girls whine. You rub your head and look at the girls who start to chase after him, giving you glares as they pass you. You look back and watch Jotaro as he walks away, hands in his pockets. You slowly help yourself stand up and dust off your uniform.

Why did he do that? You thought.


At the end of the day, you returned to your locker and collected your items. You walk out, gripping the handles of your backpack and begin to walk home. You look down at your feet most of the time, kicking little rocks you see on the path.

You look up and see Jotaro walking about 30 feet in front of you. You didn't even notice him since you were looking down. You only lived about 7 minutes away from the school by foot, you wondered where he lived.

You thought back to when he helped you during lunch. What was he trying to do? Does he not remember when you ratted him out during bio class? He's not one to take that stuff lightly, he always gets into fights, and he always wins.

Maybe it was a way to make you feel guilty for what you've done. You squint and furrow your eyebrows as you watch him walk in front of you. You didn't feel guilty, not at all. You didn't like Kujo Jotaro, and that was final.

You began to walk down your separate pathway to go home, a different pathway than Jotaro's direction.

"Hey Y/N..." You hear a deep voice speak from behind you. You stop in your tracks and turn your head slowly, only to have to look up and see Jotaro standing behind you. You gulp at his height and how close he was to you.

You then begin to feel confused. Wasn't he far ahead of you going down the different path? He would've had to sprint to get behind you this quickly, but you heard no footsteps.

You turn around fully and look up at him, raising a brow.

"I never would've thought you'd be a stand user..." He talks deeply and tilts his head up a bit, showing his eyes.

You are shocked that he is speaking to you, but what he says catches you off guard. You furrow your brows in confusion. Is he weird?

"I'm sorry, what?" You ask in a confused tone. He lowers his head and exhales lowly.

"Hmm... I guess you aren't familiar with it then... Whatever... See ya around..." He speaks solemnly and turns, sliding his hands into his pockets and walks away.

You watch as he begins to strut away, eyeballing his body.

"What is a stand user?" You speak out-loud towards him. He continues to walk and doesn't pay you any mind.

What was that all about?


Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now