unfair (32)

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After breakfast, you thanked Holly and Joseph for letting you stay over. You really enjoyed their company whenever you went over their house. You change back into your regular school clothes and make sure you have all of your items. You stand in Jotaros' bedroom, scanning around the room to make sure you have all of your things. You see Jotaro standing by the door, crossing his arms and watching you. You stand in the middle of the room and look into his eyes, a small grin appears on your face.

"Sad I'm leaving so soon?" You tease him a little and walk towards him slowly. He grins and his shoulders shake a bit.

"Oh, so sad." He says sarcastically and grins ever so slightly. You giggle a little and let out a soft sigh. You stand in front of him and look up at his face.

"So... I'll see you at school on Monday?" You lick your lips after speaking. He stares down at you and nods a little.

"Mhm.." He expresses. You nod back before walking around him and out into the hallway.

"Wait- Y/n..." Jotaro says from his room. You turn and look back at him. He keeps his back facing you slightly.

"Um...I didn't know that my mom wanted you to sleep in the guest bedroom... I'm sorry if you felt uncomfortable for having to sleep in my room." He turns his head a little and looks at you, his cheeks are flushed. You smile.

"It's okay... I didn't feel uncomfortable." You say nicely. He nods to your response and turns his head a bit more and looks into your eyes. You look up into his eyes and admire his face.

"Get home safe..." He speaks lowly. You nod.

"Thank you..." You smile.

And with that, you walk towards the front door, you say goodbye to Holly and Joseph, and leave their home. You walk down from their house and make your way onto the sidewalk and paths towards your house. Before knowing Jotaro, you never knew he lived quite close to you.

The weather seemed so nice today, it normally is nice after a spring storm. The rain made the earth smell so fresh and clean, the birds were singing loudly all around you as you walked.

You smiled to yourself as you thought of Jotaro kissing you. You still couldn't believe that Jotaro actually kissed you. He made you feel beautiful even though he never showed much emotion. He called you pretty, and you definitely believed him considering he seemed to be the type to always tell the truth. You got butterflies just reliving it. You then remembered the reason why Jotaro stopped kissing you.


Fuck you wished you never told Jotaro you liked Nicola. It was nothing but a lie. You felt really stupid, you needed to fix things as quickly as possible without telling Jotaro it was a lie. You didn't like Nicola, you liked Jotaro.


It was finally Monday morning and you woke up a little earlier to get ready. You felt like you needed to look extra dolled up now since Jotaro called you pretty. You wanted to continue to make him think that, and you wanted to feel pretty too.

You did your hair really nice and curled it softly, you curled your eyelashes and applied mascara, put on some concealer and blush, and some nice lip gloss. You put on your school uniform but wore your small shirt instead of your medium just to make your breasts look nicer. You put on your small skirt and wore thigh high socks with your shoes. You grab all of your items and begin to walk to school at your normal time.

When you arrived at school you went to your locker and quickly change your outdoor shoes into your indoor school shoes and start to walk through the halls. You kept a lookout to see if Jotaro was around, but you couldn't find him yet. You kept a small grin on your face as you walked through the hallways. You were noticing the way people were looking at you, like they had seen something brand new, something amazing. You felt beautiful this morning, and although the makeup helped, you felt beautiful because Jotaro called you pretty. You were never the type to need male validation to feel pretty, and you always had decent confidence, but since you had a crush on Jotaro, him thinking you are pretty boosted your confidence so much more.

You continue to walk around hallways looking to see if Jotaro is anywhere, and you walk towards the courtyard. You still have a few minutes before you have to go to class so you want to see if you can see him before you have to go to class.

You walk into the courtyard and look around, until you see something that makes your stomach feel like a hole has been punched through it.

You see Jotaro sitting at a bench with Elena.

You thought Jotaro didn't even like Elena. Why was he sitting and talking to her if he didn't like her? You swallow the instant lump in your throat and begin to walk over to their bench. You hold your hands together and gulp as you approach them. Elena sees you and smiles.

"Y/n! Hi!" She smiles and waves a little. You force a little grin and look at Jotaro as he turns his head and looks at you. You gulp as you finally stand beside the bench.

"Hi..." You say softly to Elena. She smiles.

"How was your weekend?" She sets her hands on her lap and looks up at you. You gulp and glance at Jotaro slightly as he stares at you. You look away and look at Elena.

"It was good... how was yours?" You ask quietly.

"It was nice besides the storm, but I spent most of my time doing homework." She tilts her head. You nod a bit.

"At least you were productive." You grin a little. You were still confused as to why he was sitting with Elena. Does he want to like her?

"I've gotta go to class." Jotaro mumbles deeply and stands up. You turn your head and look up at him and force a grin again.

"Okay..." You blush softly as he looks at you. He puts his hands in his pockets.

"Aww okay. I'll see you at lunch, right?" Elena smiles and stands up, walking over to Jotaro.

"Of course." He speaks deadpan and watches Elena. She giggles at his response and goes up to him. She goes up on her tippy toes and kisses his cheek followed by a 'muah' sound. You widen your eyes and feel the color melt from your face as you see this. Jotaro raises an eyebrow.

"See ya..." He says lowly and turns and walks away. Elena waves, you stand frozen. What just happened? Why did Jotaro just let this bitch kiss his cheek? What is going on with him?

Elena sighs once Jotaro is out of sight and then turns and looks at you.

"Jotaro asked me if I wanted to get sushi with him tonight!-" She whisper screams and squeals. You stare at her with wide eyes, lips slightly parted. You nervously giggle and smile at her.

"Oh... did he?" You feel tears begin to form in your eyes. She nods and dances a little. You watch her, all happy and bubbly cause Jotaro asked her out. Why didn't he ask you? Why didn't he like you? Why did he kiss you?

Why is everything so complicated and unfair?


Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now